Follow our handy getting-started guide on CircuitPython and especially the ESP8266 installation page/guide to learn how to install CircuitPython on your ESP8266 Feather
Flash the latest version of CircuitPython (you'll need v 2.2 or higher) and continue to the next step!
Installing and using ampy
We're using the ESP8266 Feather which means it has lots of memory and Internet capability. We use the Internet part to get the current time. However, this Feather is not as easy to use as the SAMD series, as it does not show up as a disk drive!
You'll need to use ampy to install the circuitpython scripts!
Once you've gotten ampy working save the following to your computer as and upload it so that you don't have to turn off the os debug output via REPL anymore
import esp esp.osdebug(None)
Install libraries
You'll need a bunch of libraries to get the OLED working. Use ampy to create a directory called lib
Then download the latest library bundle
You'll need to upload adafruit_ssd1306.mpy, and the adafruit_bus_device and adafruit_register folders to the lib folder. Then check with ampy's ls
command to verify all your files are in place!
Main Sketch
Now you can download the following script to your computer and save it as
Don't upload it via ampy yet! The current file has fake tokens in it that need to be set!
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import adafruit_ssd1306 import bitbangio as io import board import network import ntptime import ubinascii import uhashlib # pylint: disable=broad-except # example totp = [("Discord ", 'JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP'), ("Gmail ", 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567'), ("Accounts", 'asfdkwefoaiwejfa323nfjkl')] ssid = 'my_wifi_ssid' password = 'my_wifi_password' TEST = False # if you want to print out the tests the hashers ALWAYS_ON = False # Set to true if you never want to go to sleep! ON_SECONDS = 60 # how long to stay on if not in always_on mode i2c = io.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) oled = adafruit_ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c) # Gimme a welcome screen! oled.fill(0) oled.text('CircuitPython', 0, 0) oled.text('PyTOTP Pal!', 0, 10) oled.text(' <3 adafruit <3 ', 0, 20) time.sleep(0.25) EPOCH_DELTA = 946684800 # seconds between year 2000 and year 1970 SECS_DAY = 86400 SHA1 = uhashlib.sha1 if TEST: print("===========================================") print("SHA1 test: ", ubinascii.hexlify(SHA1(b'hello world').digest())) # should be 2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed # HMAC implementation, as hashlib/hmac wouldn't fit # From def HMAC(k, m): SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE = 64 KEY_BLOCK = k + (b'\0' * (SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - len(k))) KEY_INNER = bytes((x ^ 0x36) for x in KEY_BLOCK) KEY_OUTER = bytes((x ^ 0x5C) for x in KEY_BLOCK) inner_message = KEY_INNER + m outer_message = KEY_OUTER + SHA1(inner_message).digest() return SHA1(outer_message) if TEST: KEY = b'abcd' MESSAGE = b'efgh' print("===========================================") print("HMAC test: ", ubinascii.hexlify(HMAC(KEY, MESSAGE).digest())) # should be e5dbcf9263188f9fce90df572afeb39b66b27198 # Base32 decoder, since base64 lib wouldnt fit def base32_decode(encoded): missing_padding = len(encoded) % 8 if missing_padding != 0: encoded += '=' * (8 - missing_padding) encoded = encoded.upper() chunks = [encoded[i:i + 8] for i in range(0, len(encoded), 8)] out = [] for chunk in chunks: bits = 0 bitbuff = 0 for c in chunk: if 'A' <= c <= 'Z': n = ord(c) - ord('A') elif '2' <= c <= '7': n = ord(c) - ord('2') + 26 elif c == '=': continue else: raise ValueError("Not base32") # 5 bits per 8 chars of base32 bits += 5 # shift down and add the current value bitbuff <<= 5 bitbuff |= n # great! we have enough to extract a byte if bits >= 8: bits -= 8 byte = bitbuff >> bits # grab top 8 bits bitbuff &= ~(0xFF << bits) # and clear them out.append(byte) # store what we got return out if TEST: print("===========================================") print("Base32 test: ", bytes(base32_decode("IFSGCZTSOVUXIIJB"))) # should be "Adafruit!!" # Turns an integer into a padded-with-0x0 bytestr def int_to_bytestring(i, padding=8): result = [] while i != 0: result.insert(0, i & 0xFF) i >>= 8 result = [0] * (padding - len(result)) + result return bytes(result) # HMAC -> OTP generator, pretty much same as # def generate_otp(int_input, secret_key, digits=6): if int_input < 0: raise ValueError('input must be positive integer') hmac_hash = bytearray( HMAC(bytes(base32_decode(secret_key)), int_to_bytestring(int_input)).digest() ) offset = hmac_hash[-1] & 0xf code = ((hmac_hash[offset] & 0x7f) << 24 | (hmac_hash[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16 | (hmac_hash[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8 | (hmac_hash[offset + 3] & 0xff)) str_code = str(code % 10 ** digits) while len(str_code) < digits: str_code = '0' + str_code return str_code print("===========================================") # Set up networking sta_if = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) oled.fill(0) oled.text('Connecting to', 0, 0) oled.text(ssid, 0, 10) if not sta_if.isconnected(): print("Connecting to SSID", ssid) sta_if.connect(ssid, password) while not sta_if.isconnected(): pass print("Connected! IP = ", sta_if.ifconfig()[0]) # Done! Let them know we made it oled.text("IP: " + sta_if.ifconfig()[0], 0, 20) time.sleep(0.25) # Get the latest time from NTP t = None while not t: try: t = ntptime.time() except Exception: pass time.sleep(0.1) # NTP time is seconds-since-2000 print("NTP time: ", t) # But we need Unix time, which is seconds-since-1970 t += EPOCH_DELTA print("Unix time: ", t) # Instead of using RTC which means converting back and forth # we'll just keep track of seconds-elapsed-since-NTP-call mono_time = int(time.monotonic()) print("Monotonic time", mono_time) countdown = ON_SECONDS # how long to stay on if not in always_on mode while ALWAYS_ON or (countdown > 0): # Calculate current time based on NTP + monotonic unix_time = t - mono_time + int(time.monotonic()) print("Unix time: ", unix_time) # Clear the screen oled.fill(0) y = 0 # We can do up to 3 per line on the Feather OLED for name, secret in totp: otp = generate_otp(unix_time // 30, secret) print(name + " OTP output: ", otp) # serial debugging output oled.text(name + ": " + str(otp), 0, y) # display name & OTP on OLED y += 10 # Go to next line on OLED # Display a little bar that 'counts down' how many seconds you have left oled.framebuf.line(0, 31, 128 - (unix_time % 30) * 4, 31, True) # We'll update every 1/4 second, we can hash very fast so its no biggie! countdown -= 0.25 time.sleep(0.25) # All these hashes will be lost in time(), like tears in rain. Time to die oled.fill(0)
ssid = 'my_wifi_ssid' password = 'my_wifi_password'
Set Up Tokens
You'll also need to get 2 factor "authenticator tokens/secrets". Each site is a little different about how it does this.
For example, when you set up GMail for 2FA it will show you a QR code like this:
Which is great for phones. For us, we need the base32-encoded token. Click the Can't Scan It? link or otherwise request the text token. You'll get a page like this
That string of letters and numbers may be uppercase or lower case, it may also be 16 digits or 24 or 32 or some other qty. It doesn't matter! Grab that string, and remove the spaces so its one long string like "ra4ndd2utltotseol564z3jijj5jo677"
Note that the number 0 and number 1 never appear so anything that looks like an O
, l
or an I
is a letter.
Now edit this section of the code, you can display up to 3 accounts on a Feather OLED. If you pad the name with spaces the numbers will be right-justified but its not important, I'm just picky
totp = [("Discord ", 'JBSWY3DPEHPK3PXP'), # exmple ("Gmail ", 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567'), ("Accounts", 'asfdkwefoaiwejfa323nfjkl')]
If you want to test the setup first, you can keep the Discord entry which is the "PyOTP" example token. Then scan this with your phone in Authy or Google Authenticator
Test It Out!
OK once you've set everything up lets test!
Run the program directly on the Feather with OLED attached using ampy --port portname run
You'll see it connect to your local network, get the time via NTP, then calculate and display OTP codes both on the OLED and on the serial port (you'll need to wait till the program is done to see the serial output)
Check against your phone to make sure the codes are correct. Once you're satisfied, tweak the two lines to change the behavior
ALWAYS_ON = False # Set to true if you never want to go to sleep! ON_SECONDS = 60 # how long to stay on if not in always_on mode
Then finalize by uploading with ampy's put
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