Now you can connect with Mu or your favorite serial port software to the CircuitPython runtime, if you hit Control-C a few times you'll get this notice of the build version!
Testing the nRF52840-DK (PCA10056)
Save the following to
on the disk drive and re-load it by typing Control-D in the REPL to see LED1 blink!
import time import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull led = DigitalInOut(board.P0_13) led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT while True: led.value = False time.sleep(0.1) led.value = True time.sleep(0.1)
You can also read the four buttons and light up corresponding four LEDs on the DK like so:
# CircuitPython IO demo #1 - General Purpose I/O import time import board from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction, Pull led_pins = [board.P0_13, board.P0_14, board.P0_15, board.P0_16] button_pins = [board.P0_11, board.P0_12, board.P0_24, board.P0_25] led_outputs = [] for led_pin in led_pins: led = DigitalInOut(led_pin) led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT led_outputs.append(led) button_inputs = [] for button_pin in button_pins: button = DigitalInOut(button_pin) button.direction = Direction.INPUT button.pull = Pull.UP button_inputs.append(button) while True: for i, button in enumerate(button_inputs): if not button.value: print("Button #", i+1, "pressed!") led_outputs[i].value = button.value time.sleep(0.01)
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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