After confirming that OctoPrint is transmitting MQTT messages to Adafruit IO, power-up the Feather ESP32-S2 reverse TFT. You should see the TFT screen display the latest status message transmitted to Adafruit IO from OctoPrint.
If the printer is not printing, the latest event message will be displayed on the TFT. The onboard NeoPixel will blink in a corresponding color that matches the event message. For example, red for Offline, green for Operational, etc.
You'll have options for sending cooldown, heat up and reboot messages with the three buttons.
If a print is running, the print progress will be shown on the screen as a percentage and a progress bar. The onboard NeoPixel will display the rainbow animation. You'll have options for sending pause, resume and cancel messages with the three buttons.
When a print finishes, the display will show text letting you know that the print has completed. You can press the D0 button to dismiss the message and resume showing the latest event message.
Going Further
There are a lot of MQTT topics that you can monitor or control for OctoPrint. This project really only began to scratch the surface of what is available and possible. Adafruit IO also has actions available, such as SMS and IFTTT, that could be helpful for OctoPrint. For example, you could monitor the PrintDone
topic with an SMS action so that you recieve a text message when a print finishes.
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