Once you've finished setting up your reverse TFT Feather ESP32-S2 with CircuitPython, you can access the code and necessary libraries by downloading the Project Bundle.
To do this, click on the Download Project Bundle button in the window below. It will download as a zipped folder.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import ssl import os import json import socketpool import wifi import board import digitalio import terminalio import adafruit_requests from adafruit_io.adafruit_io import IO_HTTP, AdafruitIO_RequestError import displayio from adafruit_progressbar.horizontalprogressbar import ( HorizontalProgressBar, HorizontalFillDirection, ) from adafruit_display_shapes.rect import Rect from adafruit_display_text import bitmap_label, wrap_text_to_lines import neopixel from adafruit_led_animation.animation.rainbow import Rainbow from adafruit_led_animation.animation.blink import Blink aio_username = os.getenv('aio_username') aio_key = os.getenv('aio_key') wifi.radio.connect(os.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID'), os.getenv('CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD')) # Make the display context splash = displayio.Group() board.DISPLAY.root_group = splash # set progress bar width and height relative to board's display width = 183 height = 30 x = 50 #y = board.DISPLAY.height // 3 y = 100 # Create a new progress_bar object at (x, y) progress_bar = HorizontalProgressBar( (x, y), (width, height), fill_color=0x000000, outline_color=0xFFFFFF, bar_color=0x13c100, direction=HorizontalFillDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT ) # Append progress_bar to the splash group splash.append(progress_bar) rect = Rect(40, 0, 2, 135, fill=0xFFFFFF) splash.append(rect) img = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("octoprint_logo.bmp") idle_icons = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("idle_icons.bmp") printing_icons = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("printing_icons.bmp") finished_icon = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("finished_icon.bmp") tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap=img, pixel_shader=img.pixel_shader, x = 185, y=5) splash.append(tile_grid) icon_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap=idle_icons, pixel_shader=idle_icons.pixel_shader, x = 0, y=0) splash.append(icon_grid) text = bitmap_label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text="Connecting", scale=2, x=55, y=45) splash.append(text) led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED) led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT button0 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D0) button0.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button0.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP button1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D1) button1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button1.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D2) button2.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button2.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN # Our array of key objects button0_state = False button1_state = False button2_state = False pixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness = 0.6) # Create a socket pool pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio) requests = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context()) # Initialize an Adafruit IO HTTP API object io = IO_HTTP(aio_username, aio_key, requests) try: # get feed # printing monitors the printer progress feed printing_status = io.get_feed("printing") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: # if no feed exists, create one printing_status = io.create_new_feed("printing") try: print_done = io.get_feed("printdone") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: print_done = io.create_new_feed("printdone") try: printer_state = io.get_feed("printerstatechanged") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: printer_state = io.create_new_feed("printerstatechanged") try: shutdown = io.get_feed("shutdown") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: shutdown = io.create_new_feed("shutdown") try: heat_up = io.get_feed("heatup") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: heat_up = io.create_new_feed("heatup") try: cooldown = io.get_feed("cooldown") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: cooldown = io.create_new_feed("cooldown") try: resume = io.get_feed("printresumed") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: resume = io.create_new_feed("printresumed") try: pause = io.get_feed("printpaused") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: pause = io.create_new_feed("printpaused") try: cancelled = io.get_feed("printcancelled") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: cancelled = io.create_new_feed("printcancelled") read_feeds = [printing_status, printer_state, print_done] send_while_idle_feeds = [cooldown, heat_up, shutdown] send_while_printing_feeds = [pause, resume, cancelled] new_feed_msg = ["None", "None", "None"] last_feed_msg = ["none","none","none"] msg_json = [{"path": "none"}, {"state_id": "NONE"}, {"path": "none"}] print_progress = 0 current_state = 0 last_state = None state_value = 0 current_file = None finished_file = None red = (255, 0, 0) green = (0, 255, 0) blue = (0, 0, 255) cyan = (0, 255, 255) purple = (255, 0, 255) yellow = (255, 255, 0) printer_state_options = ["OPEN_SERIAL", "DETECT_SERIAL", "DETECT_BAUDRATE", "CONNECTING", "OPERATIONAL", "PRINTING", "PAUSING", "PAUSED", "CLOSED", "ERROR", "FINISHING", "CLOSED_WITH_ERROR", "TRANSFERING_FILE", "OFFLINE", "STARTING", "CANCELLING", "UNKNOWN", "NONE"] colors = [green, yellow, cyan, yellow, green, purple, yellow, yellow, red, red, blue, red, yellow, red, purple, red, red, red] clock = 5 rainbow = Rainbow(pixel, speed=0.1, period=2) blink = Blink(pixel, speed=0.5, color=green) while True: if button0.value and button0_state: led.value = False button0_state = False if not button1.value and button1_state: led.value = False button1_state = False if not button2.value and button2_state: led.value = False button2_state = False if current_state in ("PRINTING", "PAUSED", "PAUSING"): rainbow.animate() if not button0.value and not button0_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_printing_feeds[0]["key"], "ping") button0_state = True if button1.value and not button1_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_printing_feeds[1]["key"], "ping") button1_state = True if button2.value and not button2_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_printing_feeds[2]["key"], "ping") button2_state = True else: blink.color=colors[state_value] blink.animate() if not button0.value and not button0_state: if finished_file == current_file: current_file = "None" progress_bar.value = 100 progress_bar.bar_color = colors[state_value] text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Status: %s" % current_state, 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = idle_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = idle_icons.pixel_shader button0_state = True else: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_idle_feeds[0]["key"], "ping") button0_state = True if button1.value and not button1_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_idle_feeds[1]["key"], "ping") button1_state = True if button2.value and not button2_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_idle_feeds[2]["key"], "ping") button2_state = True if (time.monotonic() - clock) > 15: # get data for feed in range(3): try: data = io.receive_data(read_feeds[feed]["key"]) except AdafruitIO_RequestError: print("Check that OctoPrint is sending data! Check your IO dashboard.") # if a new value is detected if data["value"] != last_feed_msg[feed]: # assign value to new_msg new_feed_msg[feed] = data["value"] msg_json[feed] = json.loads(data["value"]) # set servo angle print(read_feeds[feed]["key"]) print() print(new_feed_msg[feed]) print() #time.sleep(1) print_progress = int(msg_json[0]['progress']) current_file = str(msg_json[0]['path']) current_state = str(msg_json[1]['state_id']) finished_file = str(msg_json[2]['path']) state_value = printer_state_options.index(current_state) # log msg last_feed_msg[feed] = new_feed_msg[feed] #time.sleep(1) if current_state == "PRINTING": #print_progress = int(msg_json[0]['progress']) progress_bar.value = print_progress #octoprint green progress_bar.bar_color = 0x13c100 text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("%d%% Printed" % print_progress, 7)) icon_grid.bitmap = printing_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = printing_icons.pixel_shader elif current_state in ("PAUSED", "PAUSING"): progress_bar.value = print_progress progress_bar.bar_color = colors[state_value] text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Status: %s" % current_state, 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = printing_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = printing_icons.pixel_shader # when a print is finished: elif finished_file == current_file and print_progress == 100: progress_bar.value = 100 progress_bar.bar_color = purple text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Print Finished!", 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = finished_icon icon_grid.pixel_shader = finished_icon.pixel_shader # when printer is idle, display status else: progress_bar.value = 100 progress_bar.bar_color = colors[state_value] text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Status: %s" % current_state, 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = idle_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = idle_icons.pixel_shader # reset clock clock = time.monotonic()
Upload the Code and Libraries to the Reverse TFT Feather ESP32-S2
After downloading the Project Bundle, plug your reverse TFT Feather ESP32-S2 into the computer's USB port with a known good USB data+power cable. You should see a new flash drive appear in the computer's File Explorer or Finder (depending on your operating system) called CIRCUITPY. Unzip the folder and copy the following items to the reverse TFT Feather ESP32-S2's CIRCUITPY drive.
- lib folder
- code.py
- octoprint_logo.bmp
- finished_icon.bmp
- idle_icons.bmp
- printing_icons.bmp
Your reverse TFT Feather ESP32-S2 CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after copying the lib folder, octoprint_logo.bmp, finished_icon.bmp, idle_icons.bmp, printing_icons.bmp image files and the code.py file.

Add Your settings.toml File
As of CircuitPython 8.0.0, there is support for Environment Variables. These Environmental Variables are stored in a settings.toml file. Similar to secrets.py, the settings.toml file separates your sensitive information from your main code.py file. Add your settings.toml file as described in the Create Your settings.toml File page earlier in this guide. You'll need to include your aio_username
, aio_key
CIRCUITPY_WIFI_SSID = "your-ssid-here" CIRCUITPY_WIFI_PASSWORD = "your-ssid-password-here" aio_username = "your-aio-username-here" aio_key = "your-aio-key-here"
How the CircuitPython Code Works
The code begins by creating a HorizontalProgressBar()
object. This progress bar will display the progress of an active print and will act as an additional visual cue for the current status of the printer when it is idle.
# Make the display context splash = displayio.Group() board.DISPLAY.root_group = splash width = 165 height = 30 x = 70 y = 100 # Create a new progress_bar object at (x, y) progress_bar = HorizontalProgressBar( (x, y), (width, height), fill_color=0x000000, outline_color=0xFFFFFF, bar_color=0x13c100, direction=HorizontalFillDirection.LEFT_TO_RIGHT ) # Append progress_bar to the splash group splash.append(progress_bar)
Display Attributes
Next, a rectangle is created to act as a display divider. It appears as a thick white line on the display to separate the button icons from the progress bar and status message. Then, the OctoPrint logo and idle icons are imported as TileGrid
rect = Rect(60, 0, 2, 135, fill=0xFFFFFF) splash.append(rect) img = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("octoprint_logo.bmp") idle_icons = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("idle_icons.bmp") printing_icons = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("printing_icons.bmp") finished_icon = displayio.OnDiskBitmap("finished_icon.bmp") tile_grid = displayio.TileGrid(bitmap=img, pixel_shader=img.pixel_shader, x = 185, y=5) splash.append(tile_grid) text = bitmap_label.Label(terminalio.FONT, text="Connecting", scale=2, x=75, y=45) splash.append(text)
Buttons and NeoPixel
The front buttons are setup as inputs and the onboard NeoPixel is setup as a NeoPixel object.
button0 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D0) button0.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button0.pull = digitalio.Pull.UP button1 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D1) button1.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button1.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button2 = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.D2) button2.direction = digitalio.Direction.INPUT button2.pull = digitalio.Pull.DOWN button0_state = False button1_state = False button2_state = False pixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.NEOPIXEL, 1, brightness = 0.6)
After connecting to Adafruit IO, the code tries to get the feeds corresponding to the MQTT topics defined in the OctoPrint MQTT plugins. If the feeds do not exist, they are created.
pool = socketpool.SocketPool(wifi.radio) requests = adafruit_requests.Session(pool, ssl.create_default_context()) io = IO_HTTP(aio_username, aio_key, requests) try: # get feed printing_status = io.get_feed("printing") print_done = io.get_feed("printdone") printer_state = io.get_feed("printerstatechanged") shutdown = io.get_feed("shutdown") heat_up = io.get_feed("heatup") cooldown = io.get_feed("cooldown") resume = io.get_feed("printresumed") pause = io.get_feed("printpaused") cancelled = io.get_feed("printcancelled") except AdafruitIO_RequestError: # if no feed exists, create one printing_status = io.create_new_feed("printing") print_done = io.create_new_feed("printdone") printer_state = io.create_new_feed("printerstatechanged") shutdown = io.create_new_feed("shutdown") heat_up = io.create_new_feed("heatup") cooldown = io.create_new_feed("cooldown") resume = io.create_new_feed("printresumed") pause = io.create_new_feed("printpaused") cancelled = io.create_new_feed("printcancelled")
The Loop
In the loop, the code functionality is determined by the current state of the printer. This status is determined by the incoming messages on the PrinterStateChanged
topic. If the printer is PRINTING
, then the onboard NeoPixel displays the rainbow swirl animation and the buttons have the ability to send pause, resume and cancel messages to OctoPrint.
if current_state in ("PRINTING", "PAUSED", "PAUSING"): rainbow.animate() if not button0.value and not button0_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_printing_feeds[0]["key"], "ping") button0_state = True if button1.value and not button1_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_printing_feeds[1]["key"], "ping") button1_state = True if button2.value and not button2_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_printing_feeds[2]["key"], "ping") button2_state = True
For any other state, the onboard NeoPixel will blink a color that matches the status message. For example, red for disconnected and green for operational.
The buttons can send heat up, cooldown and reboot messages to OctoPrint unless a print has just finished. In that case, the D0
button confirms that the print has completed and that updates the display and button abilities.
The button icons are updated by changing the icon_grid
and pixel_shader
attributes to the different icon bitmap files.
else: blink.color=colors[state_value] blink.animate() if not button0.value and not button0_state: if finished_file == current_file: current_file = "None" progress_bar.value = 100 progress_bar.bar_color = colors[state_value] text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Status: %s" % current_state, 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = idle_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = idle_icons.pixel_shader button0_state = True else: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_idle_feeds[0]["key"], "ping") button0_state = True if button1.value and not button1_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_idle_feeds[1]["key"], "ping") button1_state = True if button2.value and not button2_state: led.value = True io.send_data(send_while_idle_feeds[2]["key"], "ping") button2_state = True
Ping IO
Every fifteen seconds, Adafruit IO is checked for a new message from OctoPrint. If a new message has been logged in a feed, then that message is converted to a JSON entry so that it can be parsed.
if (time.monotonic() - clock) > 15: # get data for feed in range(3): try: data = io.receive_data(read_feeds[feed]["key"]) except AdafruitIO_RequestError: print("Check that OctoPrint is sending data! Check your IO dashboard.") # if a new value is detected if data["value"] != last_feed_msg[feed]: # assign value to new_msg new_feed_msg[feed] = data["value"] msg_json[feed] = json.loads(data["value"]) print(read_feeds[feed]["key"]) print() print(new_feed_msg[feed]) print() print_progress = int(msg_json[0]['progress']) current_file = str(msg_json[0]['path']) current_state = str(msg_json[1]['state_id']) finished_file = str(msg_json[2]['path']) state_value = printer_state_options.index(current_state) # log msg last_feed_msg[feed] = new_feed_msg[feed]
If the printer is printing, then the progress bar and status text is updated with the print progress percentage.
if current_state == "PRINTING": progress_bar.value = print_progress #octoprint green progress_bar.bar_color = 0x13c100 text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("%d%% Printed" % print_progress, 7)) icon_grid.bitmap = printing_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = printing_icons.pixel_shader
If the printer is paused, then the progress bar's color is updated to yellow.
elif current_state in ("PAUSED", "PAUSING"): progress_bar.value = print_progress progress_bar.bar_color = colors[state_value] text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Status: %s" % current_state, 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = printing_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = printing_icons.pixel_shader
The code determines if a print has finished by comparing the file name on the printing
topic and the PrintDone
topic. If those file names match and the print progress is 100%, then the display updates to show that a print is finished.
# when a print is finished: elif finished_file == current_file and print_progress == 100: progress_bar.value = 100 progress_bar.bar_color = purple text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Print Finished!", 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = finished_icon icon_grid.pixel_shader = finished_icon.pixel_shader
If the printer is idle, then the progress bar displays a color that matches the blinking NeoPixel and the button icon bitmap changes to match their functionality.
# when printer is idle, display status else: progress_bar.value = 100 progress_bar.bar_color = colors[state_value] text.text = "\n".join(wrap_text_to_lines("Status: %s" % current_state, 11)) icon_grid.bitmap = idle_icons icon_grid.pixel_shader = idle_icons.pixel_shader
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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