Solder short socket headers to the 1/4 perma proto board. Solder one stack of headers in column D, rows 9-15. Solder the other stack in column H, rows 9-15.
Solder one audio jack's sleeve pin to column C, row 6 and its tip to column C, row 2.
Solder the second audio jack's sleeve pin to column H, row 6 and its tip to column H, row 2.
Solder one wire from the ground rail to column A, row 14. This will connect the QT Py RP2040's GND connection to the ground rail.
Solder one wire from the ground rail to column A, row 6. Then, a second wire from column E, row 6 to column F, row 6. This connects the audio jacks' sleeve pins to GND.
Solder one wire from the power rail to column A, row 15 (red wire). This connects the QT Py RP2040's 5V pin to the power rail.
Solder a wire from column J, row 2 to column J, row 14 (green wire). This connects the gate signal audio jack's tip to the QT Py RP2040's pin A1.
The MCP4725 DAC is wired to the 1/4 perma proto via its header pins. You can use the bottom plate as a guide for how long the wires need to be.
And that completes the wiring!
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