Let's read an analog signal!
For this, we'll use a small 10k trim pot to set up a voltage divider. Here's the wiring diagram:
And here's the code:
import time import board import analogio knob = analogio.AnalogIn(board.ADC0) def get_voltage(raw): return (raw * 3.3) / 65536 while True: raw = knob.value volts = get_voltage(raw) print("raw = {:5d} volts = {:5.2f}".format(raw, volts)) time.sleep(0.5)
Spin the knob and the values should change.
Note that even though the Pico's ADC is 12 bits, the value is scaled to 16 bits to comply with the CircuitPython API.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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