Let's generate an analog signal!
Well, don't get too excited. There's only a single DAC and it's a whopping 5 bits! So don't expect super awesome high fidelity audio block rockin' beats or anything.
Here's a simple sine wave generator you can try:
import time import math import board from analogio import AnalogOut dac = AnalogOut(board.G3) while True: dac.value = int((2**16 - 1) * (0.5 + 0.5 * math.sin(time.monotonic()*10)))
Save that as something like dac.py and run it with:
python3 dac.py
And connect the G3 pin to an oscilloscope. You should see something like this:
Note that even though the MCP221's DAC is only 5 bits, you set it using a 16 bit value to comply with the CircuitPython API.
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