You'll need the following hardware to follow this guide:
- Board running CircuitPython. Currently ESP8266 or SAMD21-based boards are supported by CircuitPython. The Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 or Feather M0 boards are great options that can easily be connected to an accelerometer. See the guide on loading MicroPython & CircuitPython firmware on a board for details on loading CircuitPython.
- MPR121 capacitive touch breakout board or MPR121 capacitive touch Arduino shield.
- Breadboard, hookup wires, and soldering tools. You'll need to solder headers to the accelerometer breakout, be sure to see the guide to excellent soldering if you're new to it.
- Alligator clip wires or alligator clip to male jumper wires, these are useful for connecting conductive objects to the MPR121 breakout inputs. For example you can connect the inputs to pieces of fruit to make a funky, fruity musical instrument!
Start by following the MPR121 breakout guide to assemble and test the board. Then continue on below to learn how to wire it to a Feather for use with CircuitPython.
For the MPR121 Arduino shield just solder headers to the shield (don't forget to solder the 2x3 SPI header in the center of the board too) and connect it to a compatible Arduino (like the Arduino Zero flashed with CircuitPython firmware).
- MPR121 VIN to board 3V (or 5V) output - red wire.
- MPR121 GND to board GND/ground - black wire.
- MPR121 SCL to board SCL (I2C clock) - orange wire.
- MPR121 SDA to board SDA (I2C data) - yellow wire.
Continue on to learn how to install a CircuitPython module to control the MPR121 board.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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