You can use CircuitPython to control your wireless Elgato lights. The Elgato series of lights have become really popular and use an app on your desktop or phone to control them. The API is fairly simple though and uses HTTP requests to send and receive JSON data. This makes for an excellent CircuitPython project with the Feather ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT. The board connects to your WiFi network and sends HTTP requests to your Elgato light when you press one of its three onboard buttons.
The rotary encoder lets you dial in the brightness and color temperature. You can send the new values to the light by pressing the D0 or D1 buttons.
The onboard TFT lets you see the current settings for your light at a glance. You can press the D2 button to read data from the light.
This project was inspired by the Three Elgato Key Light Remote by Brian Dorey. That project used an ESP32 board with a custom three button PCB running Arduino code to control the their lighting setup.

Page last edited March 26, 2024
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