First! What do we need to do to control Minecraft (or another awesome game)?
This is a super helpful & fun lesson in Design Thinking, but you can skip this if you want to just use my controls. You can always come back here later if you want to make changes later :D
Determine (crucial) game controls.
Note: Start simple! Figure out the most important controls for the game and start there. You can always add more later.
Here are the controls that I wanted to use while playing Minecraft.. in creative mode :) (you can use the same ones or customize your own controller!):
- Walk forward: W key
- Run: Ctrl + W
- Jump: Space bar
- Look Left & Right: Mouse rotate
- Walk backward: S key
- Attack: Mouse Left Click
- Place Block/Push/Open: Mouse Right Click
- Inventory: E key
- Escape: ESC key
Decide how you want to use gestures and/or the finger pads to trigger these controls. Recommended to sketch out your plan.
Here is my design thought process:
I've always wanted to feel like I was actually *in* a game, so I went the "cheap VR" route and used gestures to control basic movements. For walking, I went the "let's move my arms like I'm walking" route, which easily transitioned into running and jumping by increasing the speed of motion.
To make it easy to place a block or exchange items, I decided to use an "awkward handshake" motion.
Turning was a bit of a challenge, but my goal was to be able to look around by moving my hands in the direction I wanted to look.
Attack became the pointer finger pad, inventory the middle finger pad (which I ended up removing), Escape the ring finger pad, and the pinky finger pad to let me to walk backwards.
Again, you can keep these same controls or design your own :D
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