You know the scene. Old West town. Two gunslingers face each other on a dusty street. Tumble weed rolls by. Everyone is eying the town clock. Tick. Tick. 'Cause when it strikes high noon, the gunslingers.........DRAW!
Pew! Pew! Who was the Quickest Draw?
Well put your guns away pardnah. Let's just use these two buttons we got here on our Circuit Playground. This here is a two person show down game to see who can press their button the quickest.
Required Parts
This project uses the sensors already included on the Circuit Playground, either a Classic or an Express. The only additional items needed are batteries for power and a holder for the batteries.
- Circuit Playground
- 3 x AAA Battery Holder
- 3 x AAA Batteries (NiMH work great!)
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