Top view of three fanned out Adafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCBs.
Customers have asked us to carry basic perf-board, but we never liked the look of most basic perf: it's always crummy quality, with pads that flake off and no labeling. Then we...
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Dramatically lit Adafruit PCB Ruler
The first time you soldered up a surface mount component you may have been surprised "these are really small parts!" and there's dozens of different names too!...
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A PCB coaster featuring a friendly robot, AdaBot, and a wise owl, Minerva.
Discontinued - you can grab Aluminum PCB Coaster with Adafruit Logo instead! You've been burning the...
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Angled shot of single Bakelite Universal Perfboard Plate.
Make your next project as you imagine it with prototyping perfboards that can easily be cut with scissors like these Bakelite Universal Perfboard Plates!We...
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