We wrapped up everything you need to run Arduino code on your Circuit Playground is wrapped up into a tidy library that integrates all the sensing and lighting.
Installing Via Library Manager
The Circuit Playground library is available on the Adafruit GitHub website. but what's nice is that Arduino IDE comes with a version of the library and its super easy to update.
Search for Adafruit Circuit Playground library and click Update to get the very latest version!
Run the Demo
Now that you have the library installed you can continue.
Follow the Arduino Set Up guide page to make sure you can Blink upload. Once that's known to work, come back here.
Select the Circuit Playground Board
Under the Tools -> Board submenu, pick Adafruit Circuit Playground
Load the Demo Program
OK you're now ready to load the demo. Under File->Examples locate Adafruit Circuit Playground and then select the demo program.
Compile/Verify the Demo
Click the Verify button (also the Sketch->Verify menu item) to compile/verify the demo. Make sure you get "Done compiling." and no errors
You should get a Done uploading. message in the blue statusbar
You can now run the serial console to get data output:
You'll get information such as:
- "Capacitive touch" readings for all 8 outer pads (under 50 means not touched, over 100 usually means the pads are touched)
- Slide switch location (left or right)
- If the Right and Left buttons are pressed
- Light sensor readings, higher values mean more light
- Sound sensor readings
- X, Y and Z accelerometer readings
- Temperature in Celsius
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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