Since this project uses the capacitive touch capabilities of the Circuit Playground, let's start by exploring how they work. You can read some technical details in the Lesson #0 Guide. There are 8 pads total located on the edge of the Circuit Playground as shown below. Note the numbering scheme used to identify each pad: #3, #2, #0, #1, #12, #6, #9, and #10.
The library function readCap()
is all that is needed to use capacitive touch. It is used the same for all 8 pads. Simply call it with the pad number of interest and it returns a value. This value will be near zero when not touched and have some higher value when touched. We can use the simple sketch below to examine how this value behaves, focusing on just one pad, #1 in this case.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { // Initialize serial. Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize Circuit Playground library. CircuitPlayground.begin(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop() { // Print cap touch reading on serial port. Serial.println(CircuitPlayground.readCap(1)); // Update rate. delay(100); }
With this sketch loaded and running on the Circuit Playground, open the Serial Plotter.
Tools -> Serial Plotter
The capacitive touch value from the #1 pad will be plotted like a strip chart as shown below. Try touching the pad quickly several times and also holding your finger on it.
The readCap()
function is different from the push button functions leftButton()
and rightButton()
which return true when the button is pressed and false otherwise. However, we can take a very simple approach to create a similar behavior for the capacitive touch pads. We compare the value returned by readCap()
to a preset threshold value which we'll call CAP_THRESHOLD. If it exceeds this value, it is touched (pressed), otherwise, it is not. Here's a simple function to do just that.
boolean capButton(uint8_t pad) { if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(pad) > CAP_THRESHOLD) { return true; } else { return false; } }
The actual value for CAP_THRESHOLD will be defined globally. But what is a good value? Well, that will depend on your setup. If the value is set too low, you may get incorrect detections due to noise. But if you set it too high, you may never detect any touches. You could use the Serial Monitor or Plotter with the above sketch to see what values your setup returns, and then choose a value based on that. For the examples here, we will use a value of 50.
Here is another simple sketch that uses the capButton()
function along with a CAP_THRESHOLD of 50 to detect when the #1 pad is touched.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Carter Nelson for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include <Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h> #define CAP_THRESHOLD 50 #define DEBOUNCE 250 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// boolean capButton(uint8_t pad) { if (CircuitPlayground.readCap(pad) > CAP_THRESHOLD) { return true; } else { return false; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() { // Initialize serial. Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize Circuit Playground library. CircuitPlayground.begin(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop() { // Check if capacitive touch exceeds threshold. if (capButton(1)) { // Print message. Serial.println("Touched!"); // But not too often. delay(DEBOUNCE); } }
The additional value DEBOUNCE is used to prevent the output from happening too fast. With the above sketch loaded and running, open the Serial Monitor.
Tools -> Serial Monitor
Whenever the #1 pad is touched, you should see a message printed out.
Now let's move on to generalizing the code to detect all of the touch pads and take various actions depending on what pad is pressed.
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