Adabot: “Did I break something?”
Ladyada: “Looks like you tripped the circuit breaker, Adabot.”
Adabot: “Wait - who did I trip?!”
Ladyada: “No, no - The circuit breaker isn’t a person, it’s a device in that box over there.”
Ladyada: “The circuit breaker turns off all the electricity when we draw too much electrical current.”
Adabot: “Ohhh …”
Ladyada: "And it’s also something *only* a grown-up should touch.”
Adabot: “Committed to memory!”
Adabot: “Wow - powering all my stuff must use *a lot* of current.”
Ladyada: “That's right - and we measure electrical current in amperes.”
Adabot: “Huh … why do we call it that?”
Ladyada: “The ampere is named after the scientist - Mr. André-Marie Ampère.”
Adabot: “André-Marie Ampère - a French scientist from the 1800’s.”
Ladyada: “That's right and Mr. Ampère was very curious about how electricity works.”
Adabot: “Curious - like me!”
André-Marie Ampère: “This is true.”
Ladyada: “And he conducted many experiments to learn about electricity.”
Ladyada: “The results of his experiments showed Mr. Ampère that electricity is created by the movement of many teeny objects …”
Ladyada: “… which are so small we can’t even see them.”
André-Marie Ampère: “Electrodynamic molecules!”
Ladyada: “Nowadays, we call these teeny objects - ‘electrons.’ ”
Ladyada: “And when electrons move we call that ‘electrical current.’ ”
André-Marie Ampère: “Makes sense to me.”
Adabot: “Oh! Now I get it Ladyada but, how do we measure amperes?”
Ladyada: “That’s easy - we use a multimeter.”
André-Marie Ampère: “Oh - I wish *I* ‘ad one of dzose!”
Ladyada: “By sending the current through a multimeter, we’re able to measure the amount of electrons flowing through.”
Ladyada: “So this LED is using …”
Adabot: “0.05 amperes!”
Ladyada: “Correct.”
Adabot: “I wish I could *see* electrons move.”
Ladyada: “Well, you may not be able to see every single electron, but you can see the *effects* of electrical current.”
Adabot: “Really? How do we do that?”
Ladyada: “Well, you can see it when your boom box makes sound or, when your toaster heats up.”
Ladyada: “And you can feel it when your blowdryer blows hot air at you.”
Adabot: “I get it, electrical current makes electricity *go*!”
Adabot: “Those electrons are amazing!”
Ladyada: “That's right, Adabot. Hey, you know you don’t have any hair, right?”
Adabot: “WHA-?!”
André-Marie Ampère: “Zut Alors!”
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