We'll use nylon M2.5 screws and standoffs to mount the M4SK to the bucket -- this is a very nice, sturdy way to mount it, but you can also go quick and easy with double stick foam tape or Velcro if you're in a hurry!
Mounting Holes
Position the M4SK where you want it and then mark four hole positions using a marker, as shown.
Carefully poke holes through the four positions using an awl or thin screwdriver.
Mounting Hardware
Using eight short screws (M2.5 x 4mm), two short standoffs (M2.5 x 6mm), and two medium standoffs (M2.5 x 10mm), fasten the hardware to the mask and the bucket as shown.
Battery Power
Plug a small LiPoly battery into the MONSTER M4SK battery port and then tuck the battery in the space behind the mask.
You can use some double-stick foam tape to secure the battery in place.
USB Port Access
You will want to plug in a USB cable to charge the M4SK battery or upload different GIF animations. If your bucket shape doesn't allow easy access, use a hobby knife to cut a slit into the bucket as shown here.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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