Headers for QT Py & BFF
Use the strips of header pins that shipped with the boards and use flush snips to create two strips of 1 x 7 headers.
Secure Headers to QT Py
Solder all 13 pins to the QT Py using a soldering iron and solder wire. Using a breadboard can help keep the headers straight while soldering.
QT Py & BFF Orientation
Grab the NeoPixel 5x5 grid BFF board and orient it with the QT Py so the USB port is lined up with the USB label.
Insert QT Py & BFF
Fit the header pins into the NeoPixel BFF and seat the two boards together until they're flush with the PCBs.
Trim Header Pins
Using flush diagonal cutters, trim the longer header pins so they're half their length.
Install QT Py & BFF
Orient the QT Py and BFF so the USB port is lined up with the notch in the bottom cover.
Press Fit QT Py & BFF
Press the PCBs in between the walls of the bottom cover and push it down until the PCBs sit flush.
Bird Installation
Press fit the cover into the bottom of the bird until the lip sits flush with the bottom of the bird.
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