The root account has full access to everything, so it's a very good idea to set a password. It's also a good idea to set up a normal user account. We'll do that next.
Here's the login screen, go ahead and log in as root with the password you just set. Once you push enter or click OK, it will ask which desktop environment you'd like. CDE is the default and a good choice, OpenWindows is the older environment.
Welcome to CDE!
A bunch of windows will open, you can close them all or take a look if you like. The Help Viewer will give you an introduction to the CDE desktop.
The panel on the bottom has everything you need, each icon will launch something or the arrow on top will expand a tray with more things to run. We want to create a new user, so open up Applications, go to System_Admin, then run Admintool.
Go to Edit, Add, and add a user for yourself. The defaults are fine for most of it. For the home directory path at the bottom you'll want to use /export/home/youruser. Click OK, then exit Admintool. Click exit down at the bottom of the panel and OK to log out. Now you can log in as your new user and the system will prompt you to set a password. The mouse needs to be in the password window to focus it. Once set you'll be able to login.
You'll get all the windows opening again, plus one that wants you to register. You can just click Never Register.
When you want to shut down, click Exit again, then go to Options and Command Line Login. Press enter to get a console login prompt, login as root, then type shutdown now. After that you can quit QEMU.
Next time you start you can leave out the CD part:
qemu-system-sparc -M SS-5 -m 128 -drive file=sparc.qcow2,bus=0,unit=0,media=disk
That's it! Enjoy your Solaris system!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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