Are you looking to power motors and servos with your LEGO® compatible builds? 3D print a battery case for LEGO® compatible robotics projects! This is 3D printed 8x8 LEGO® compatible box that contains a 3xAA battery pack. The box is comprised of four pieces that snap-fit together. It features studs and tubes that can attach to either side of LEGO® compatible bricks. The battery pack features a 2.1mm DC plug.
3D Printed Battery Case
The battery holder features a 2.1mm barrel jack for connecting devices. This is perfect for powering the Adafruit Crickit for Circuit Playground Express and Adafruit Metro M4. There's also plenty of peripherals that use 2.1mm DC jacks as they are standard. For different connections, cut and solder up a custom plug connector that you need for your project.

Battery Parts
You'll need three double A batteries, a 3xAA battery holder, 2x M3 x 5mm flat head screws and the 3D printed mount. The hardware and accessories are linked below.

Page last edited March 08, 2024
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