There are lots of little connections inside of your breadboard but they only go along in rows, basically making each pin or wire of a part have 5 total connection points. To wire up the parts you'll need to, um, wire the parts...with wire!
DIY Solid Core Wire Jumpers
With not too much effort you can craft your very own artisanal wires!
You'll need a pair of wire strippers, ideally the kind with a bunch of different hole sizes
And of course, some wire!
Most important thing to remember is you must use solid-core wire, ideally 22 American Wire Gauge (AWG).
You can't use stranded core easily because the threads/strands of the wire will unravel, shorting with nearby parts by accident
Pick the matching hole/slot for the wire you're stripping, and remove about 1/2 to 1 cm of the plastic covering off the end
Make sure you don't nick or cut the wire, because that could weaken it.
Cut the other side to length, remember you'll need a little extra so that you can strip the other end too!
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