Adafruit IO Getting Started
If you're new to Adafruit IO, this guide page has lots of great info and links to check out.
Renaming AIO Feeds
When you head to your Adafruit IO Feeds page, you'll see the Raspberry Pi bridge name and sensor name pairings of any sensor boards you're running. Here, I have two:
Since these names are derived from the MAC addresses of the devices themselves, they are good unique IDs, but not very friendly looking! Let's change them.
First, look at the CLUE screen and make note of the sensor ID. In my case it reports caa19e07860b
Then, click on the feed group of the same name. You'll see a settings gear icon in the Group Info box. Click that.
In the Edit Group popup, give the Name field a more descriptive name. Be sure to leave the Key value as it is or things will break!
Repeat this process for any other boards you're using.
Dashboard Setup
Set up a new dashboard -- I named mine BroadcastNet Dashboard.
Hit Create to make the new dashboard, which we can then fill with feed data blocks.
Now we'll add feed data blocks to the Dashboard.
Press the + icon to add new blocks.
Here I've added a graph widget with the two temperatures from the two different boards.
You can continue to add elements to the dashboard depending on what you'd like to see!
Measurement List
The BroadcastNet library has many different measurements it can read with the measurement
command. You can check out the documentation here.
For convenience, this is the full list:
Total Volatile Organic Compounds as a float in parts per billion.
Acceleration as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in meters per second per second.
Battery voltage in millivolts. Saves two bytes over voltage and is more readable in bare packets.
Color as RGB integer.
Current as a float in milliamps.
Distance as a float in centimeters.
16-bit PWM duty cycle. Independent of frequency.
Equivalent CO2 as a float in parts per million.
As integer Hertz
Gyro motion as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in radians per second.
Brightness as a float without units.
Brightness as a float in SI lux.
Magnetism as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in micro-Tesla.
Absolution orientation as (x, y, z) tuple of floats in degrees.
Pressure as a float in hectopascals.
Relative humidity as a float percentage.
Temperature as a float in degrees centigrade.
16-bit unit-less value. Used for analog values and for booleans.
Voltage as a float in Volts.
Weight as a float in grams.
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