To demonstrate the usage of the library look at the included examples in the examples subdirectory:
- list_uarts.py - This example will watch for any BLE UART devices and print out their name and ID when found. This is a good example of searching for devices.
- uart_service.py - This is an example of talking to a BLE UART device. When run the example will connect to the first BLE UART device it finds, send a string, and then wait to receive a string.
- low_level.py - This is similar in functionaliy to uart_service.py but implemented using a lower level direct interaction with BLE GATT services and characteristics. This is a good starting point for interacting with a custom BLE service or device.
- device_info.py - This example will connect to the first found BLE UART and print out information from its device info service, like serial number, hardware version, etc. Note this example only works on Mac OSX--a bug/issue in BlueZ currently prevents access to the device info service.
Since all of the examples deal with a BLE UART device you'll want to make sure you first have a Bluefruit LE device running as a BLE UART:
- Bluefruit LE UART friend - Connect it to an Arduino and run its BLEUart example. Make sure its switch is in the CMD position if you're using the bleuart_cmdmode example, and DATA position if you're using bleuart_datamode.
- Bluefruit LE SPI friend - Connect it to an Arduino and run its BLEUart example.
- Bluefruit LE micro - Load the BLEUart example.
- Bluefruit LE USB friend - Make sure the switch is in the DATA position, connect the device to your computer, and open its serial port with a terminal.
Make sure to open the serial terminal in the Arduino IDE if you're running the BLEUart example. You'll want the terminal open so you can see the data received and send data to the BLE UART example code in the next step.
To run an example you just need to invoke it using the Python interpretor. On Linux make sure to run as root using sudo, and on Mac OSX it's not necessary (but will still work fine) to run with sudo. For example to run the uart_service.py example open a terminal, navigate to the examples directory of the library, and run:
sudo python uart_service.py
After a short period you should see the example run and start printing status messages out like the following:
Using adapter: BlueZ 5.33 Disconnecting any connected UART devices... Searching for UART device... Connecting to device... Discovering services... Sent 'Hello world!' to the device. Waiting up to 60 seconds to receive data from the device...
Note if you see an error 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Method "Set" with signature "ssb" on interface "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties" doesn't exist' run the example again. It appears this is a transient or one time error from setting up the DBus connection with BlueZ.
The example will attempt to connect to the first BLE UART device it finds and send & receive data with it. On Linux with BlueZ be patient as the searching for UART device and the discovering services phase can take around 30-60 seconds the first time it runs. On Mac OSX BLE actions are generally quite fast and happen in a few seconds.
Once you see the example print "Waiting up to 60 seconds to receive data from the device..." then check the serial terminal of the Bluefruit LE device. You should see it received the string 'Hello World!' (without quotes). For example the Bluefruit LE UART / SPI / micro terminal will show:
H [0x48] e [0x65] l [0x6C] l [0x6C] o [0x6F] [0x20] w [0x77] o [0x6F] r [0x72] l [0x6C] d [0x64] ! [0x21] [0x0D] [0x0A]
Now while the uart_service.py example is still running enter some text in the serial terminal and press send. You should see the text received and the uart_service.py example exit:
Received: test
Congrats, you've successfully run the uart_service.py example!
If you run into issues with the example first make sure the Bluefruit LE Python library was successfully installed from the previous page. Also make sure only one BLE UART device is running--if more than one are running the code might get confused and connect to a device you don't expect (it just connects to the first device it finds).
You can run the other 3 examples in the same way as you ran the uart_service.py example. Note that the device_info.py example only runs on Mac OSX right now. There's a bug or issues with BlueZ that prevents accessing the device information service.
To understand how to use the library to send and receive data with a BLE UART I'll walk through the uart_service.py example below. Open the file in a text editor and follow along:
import Adafruit_BluefruitLE from Adafruit_BluefruitLE.services import UART
The first part of the code is the import section that pulls in the Bluefruit LE library. Notice that both the main library is imported with the first line, and a special UART service implementation is imported with the second line.
# Get the BLE provider for the current platform. ble = Adafruit_BluefruitLE.get_provider()
Next a BLE provider is created by calling the Adafruit_BluefruitLE.get_provider() function. This will grab the appropriate BLE provider for your platform, either Linux or Mac OSX. You only need to call this once at the very start of your program to get the provider that will be used in future BLE calls.
After the provider is created you'll notice a main function is defined. We'll actually skip this function for now and come back to it. Scroll down past the main to the end of the file so you can see where execution of the script starts:
# Initialize the BLE system. MUST be called before other BLE calls! ble.initialize() # Start the mainloop to process BLE events, and run the provided function in # a background thread. When the provided main function stops running, returns # an integer status code, or throws an error the program will exit. ble.run_mainloop_with(main)
First the code calls the initialize() function on the provider to setup BLE communication. This is required before you make any other calls to the library.
Next the code calls run_mainloop_with() and passes it the main function that was created above. One very important thing to realize with BLE on desktop platforms is that it generally requires a full GUI event loop to run in the background. Actions like connecting to a device, searching for a device, etc. are actually asyncronous and start and stop at different times. An event loop is necessary to make sure these asyncronous events are processed. However an event loop complicates your program, especially if you just want to write a simple script that performs syncronous actions against BLE devices.
The Bluefruit library attempts to hide all of this event loop logic and just present an easy to use syncronous interface. By calling the run_mainloop_with function the library will setup all the platform-specific event loop logic and then invoke the provided function in a background thread. The event loop runs in the main program thread and processes BLE events and your code runs in a background thread.
A side effect of your code running in a background thread is that you need to be careful that any callbacks from the Bluefruit library are made to be thread safe. In normal interaction with the UART service you don't need to worry about thread safety as the service takes care of moving data between the main and background thread with a queue. However if you dig into lower level direct access with BLE characteristics be aware that their callbacks won't be performed on the same thread as your main code.
It's also good to realize that the Bluefruit library is really targeted at simple scripts that interact syncronously with a BLE UART. For example a script that polls a BLE device to read sensor data and save it to a file or push to a web service is a good example of what the library can do. If you're building a GUI application that presents a user interface then the library might not be the best option for you. When you build a GUI app you want control over the main event loop yourself and likely want to choose how BLE events are processed, like in a background thread. You also likely want calls to the BLE device to happen asyncronously, that is in the background instead of blocking execution until they finish. When a GUI application uses a syncronous or blocking API like this Bluefruit library exposes it can be a poor user experience with a slow GUI. If you're building a GUI application consider talking directly to your platform's BLE APIs (like CoreBluetooth on OSX or BlueZ on Linux).
Now let's go back up and look at the main function that was defined earlier:
# Main function implements the program logic so it can run in a background # thread. Most platforms require the main thread to handle GUI events and other # asyncronous events like BLE actions. All of the threading logic is taken care # of automatically though and you just need to provide a main function that uses # the BLE provider. def main(): # Clear any cached data because both bluez and CoreBluetooth have issues with # caching data and it going stale. ble.clear_cached_data()
The function will run in a background thread and performs all of the main logic of the script.
To start the main function calls the clear_cached_data() function to reset any platform BLE state. Unfortunately this is a bit of a hack that's necessary on most platforms as BLE support is still somewhat immature.
On Linux with BlueZ this function will remove any known BLE devices so they can be rediscovered again fresh. This is necessary because of bugs and issues with heavy caching of devices (for example if a BLE UART is turned off BlueZ will still remember it for some time and confuse your program).
On Mac OSX with CoreBluetooth this function will perform these steps to clear its cache. Again this is necessary because CoreBluetooth has heavy caching which can confuse your program when devices appear and disappear.
# Get the first available BLE network adapter and make sure it's powered on. adapter = ble.get_default_adapter() adapter.power_on() print('Using adapter: {0}'.format(adapter.name))
Next the BLE adapter for the platform is retrieved with the get_default_adapter() function, and it's powered on by calling the power_on() function. These are necessary to make sure the computer has Bluetooth turned on and ready to find devices.
# Disconnect any currently connected UART devices. Good for cleaning up and # starting from a fresh state. print('Disconnecting any connected UART devices...') UART.disconnect_devices() # Scan for UART devices. print('Searching for UART device...') try: adapter.start_scan() # Search for the first UART device found (will time out after 60 seconds # but you can specify an optional timeout_sec parameter to change it). device = UART.find_device() if device is None: raise RuntimeError('Failed to find UART device!') finally: # Make sure scanning is stopped before exiting. adapter.stop_scan()
The next block of code deals with searching for a UART device. First any connected UARTs are disconnected by calling the UART.disconnect_devices() function. This is necessary because a BLE central device (your computer) can only be connected to a single BLE peripheral (your BLE UART devices) at a time. If your computer was still connected to a BLE UART then it would fail to find any new ones.
After disconnecting UART devices the code calls adapter.start_scan() to turn on device scanning. Then the UART.find_device() function is called to find the first available UART device.
Note that if you'd like to find a specific UART device, perhaps one that has a different name, you can instead call UART.find_devices() (plural) and it will immediately return a list of all known UART devices. Enumerate the list and look for a device that you'd like to connect to, or keep calling the find_devices function periodically in a loop to scan for new devices (see the list_uarts.py example for this kind of logic).
Finally notice the block ends with a finally block that ensures the adapter.stop_scan() function is called. This is good practice to make sure the adapter doesn't stay in a scanning mode if the program should exit prematurely. Also before you connect to a device (the next code) you'll want to make sure scanning is turned off.
print('Connecting to device...') device.connect() # Will time out after 60 seconds, specify timeout_sec parameter # to change the timeout.
Now a connection is created with the device that was found by calling its connect() function. This function will wait up to 60 seconds for the device to respond and connect (note you can change this timeout by passing in a timeout_sec parameter with a new value).
# Once connected do everything else in a try/finally to make sure the device # is disconnected when done. try: # Wait for service discovery to complete for the UART service. Will # time out after 60 seconds (specify timeout_sec parameter to override). print('Discovering services...') UART.discover(device) # Once service discovery is complete create an instance of the service # and start interacting with it. uart = UART(device)
Next a new try/finally block is created to ensure the device connection is closed, and the main UART logic starts to run.
First the UART services are discovered by calling UART.discover() and passing it the connected device. When connecting to a device you must ensure all the services you'll use have been discovered so that the platform knows what characteristics, etc. are available on the service.
After the service discovery completes a UART object is created by passing it the connected device. This UART object implements a simple send and receive interface to interact with the connected UART.
# Write a string to the TX characteristic. uart.write('Hello world!\r\n') print("Sent 'Hello world!' to the device.")
Data is sent to the UART device by calling the UART object's write function. Pass the function a string and it will ensure the data is written to the connected device--easy!
# Now wait up to one minute to receive data from the device. print('Waiting up to 60 seconds to receive data from the device...') received = uart.read(timeout_sec=60) if received is not None: # Received data, print it out. print('Received: {0}'.format(received)) else: # Timeout waiting for data, None is returned. print('Received no data!')
Data is received by calling the UART object's read function. Note that a timeout of 60 seconds is passed in which tells the function to wait up to 60 seconds for data to be received. If something is received within that time then it will be returned, otherwise the None result is returned which signifies the timeout elapsed before data was received.
If you don't want any timeout just call read with no extra parameters. The default timeout value of 0 will be used which means it does a quick check for any received data and instantly returns. In the background the UART object uses a queue to keep track of data received from the UART device so you don't need to worry about constantly calling read and potentially missing data. Just make sure to call read when you're ready to get data.
finally: # Make sure device is disconnected on exit. device.disconnect()
The very last part of the function is the finally block that disconnects the device. It's good practice to make sure the device is disconnected at the end of the program execution by putting it in a finally block.
Note that on some platforms like Linux if you stop a program with Ctrl-C it might not actually invoke this finally block. The reason is with the main thread being used to process GUI events. As a side effect this means Ctrl-C will stop the main thread and the entire program so your finally block in a background thread won't run. You can work around this by using Python's atexit module to register a cleanup function that's called when your program ends. See the list_uarts.py example for a demonstration of atexit for cleanup.
In general it's best to not rely on Ctrl-C to stop a program using the library, intead use an explicit action like an input from a user to end the program or just run for a specific amount of time. Also be aware Ctrl-C to exit can be slow on OSX, perhaps taking 30 seconds or more to shut down the main loop (and even throwing crash errors on Mac OSX Yosemite).
That's all there is to using the Bluefruit LE Python library to talk to a BLE UART device! The library works great for connecting to a BLE UART to read sensor data, send it actions, etc--the sky is the limit with what you can do using a Bluefruit LE device and your computer!
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