The Plotter mode allows for users to visualize data received from Bluetooth LE compatible devices.
This data is sent from the Bluefruit device to the phone/tablet.
Feel free to test the plotting feature using this demo sketch!
The main plotter window does not display X and Y axes unless the Bluefruit Connect app receives the necessary data to plot.
This is what the Bluefruit LE Connect app displays by default if there is no data to plot.
Once the required data is received, the plotting begins!
If your project utilizes multiple data streams, Bluefruit LE Connect will plot both for you! Above, notice that the graph on the right shows a second set of data.
The app interprets incoming numeric values in ASCII format. Separate data values should be followed by a comma or tab character. Separate each set of values sent using a newline character or simply use ble.println()
(which automatically appends a newline char). This allows Bluefruit LE Connect to know when to plot the next set of values.
For example, a properly formatted stream of plotter values will look like this when viewed in the app's UART terminal:
If you need to plot more data streams, simply add an additional comma followed by another numeric value.
A plot utilizing 3 data streams would look something like the picture shown below:
The plotter also supports landscape view!
When switched on, AutoScroll will adjust the graph size and follow the most recent data collected by the Bluefruit LE Connect app
When turned off, swipe left and right to scroll through your data. Use the Width slider to adjust the width of the graph.
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