Mindfulness & BLE Notifications
Build yourself a bracelet that buzzes when you’ve received notifications from an iOS device using Adafruit Feather Sense and DRV2605L breakout. Get subtle haptic feedback and a NeoPixel LED to indicate the app. It's also great for reminding yourself to get up and walk away from your desk or as a way to have a new awareness of how the perception of passing time varies based on what you're doing.
Wearable Case
Brands are 3D printed in NinjaFlex TPU filament making a flexible wearable device. Strap features several slots for fitting different sizes wrists. A snap fit cover lets you easy remove and get access to components and on-board sensors.
Prerequisite Guides
The following learn guides will provide additional information and demo code.
Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express
Don't have the Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense? No worries! You can also use the Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express.
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