Once you've finished setting up your Feather Sense with CircuitPython, you can add these additional libraries to the lib folder:
- adafruit_ble
- adafruit_bluefruit_connect
- adafruit_led_animation
- adafruit_ble_apple_notification_center.mpy
- adafruit_ble_broadcastnet.mpy
- adafruit_drv2605.mpy
Then, you can click on the Download: Project Zip link above the code to download the code file.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Liz Clark for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import board import busio import neopixel import adafruit_drv2605 import adafruit_led_animation.color as color import adafruit_ble from adafruit_ble.advertising.standard import SolicitServicesAdvertisement from adafruit_ble.services.standard import CurrentTimeService from adafruit_ble_apple_notification_center import AppleNotificationCenterService from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction # setup for onboard NeoPixel pixel_pin = board.NEOPIXEL num_pixels = 1 pixel = neopixel.NeoPixel(pixel_pin, num_pixels, brightness=0.3, auto_write=False) # setup for haptic motor driver i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA) drv = adafruit_drv2605.DRV2605(i2c) # onboard blue LED blue_led = DigitalInOut(board.BLUE_LED) blue_led.direction = Direction.OUTPUT # setup for BLE ble = adafruit_ble.BLERadio() if ble.connected: for c in ble.connections: c.disconnect() advertisement = SolicitServicesAdvertisement() # adds ANCS and current time services for BLE to advertise advertisement.solicited_services.append(AppleNotificationCenterService) advertisement.solicited_services.append(CurrentTimeService) # state machines current_notification = None # tracks the current notification from ANCS current_notifications = {} # array to hold all current notifications from ANCS cleared = False # state to track if notifications have been cleared from ANCS notification_service = None # holds the array of active notifications from ANCS all_ids = [] # array to hold all of the ids from ANCS hour = 0 # used to track when it is on the hour for the mindfulness reminder mindful = False # state used to track if it is time for mindfulness vibration = 16 # vibration effect being used for the haptic motor APP_COLORS = { "com.basecamp.bc3-ios": color.YELLOW, # Basecamp "com.apple.MobileSMS": color.GREEN, # Texts "com.hammerandchisel.discord": color.PURPLE, # Discord "com.apple.mobilecal": color.CYAN, # Calendar "com.apple.mobilephone": color.GREEN, # Phone "com.google.ios.youtube": color.ORANGE, # YouTube "com.burbn.instagram": color.MAGENTA, # Instagram "com.apple.mobilemail": color.CYAN # Apple Email } # function for blinking NeoPixel # blinks: # of blinks # speed: how fast/slow blinks # color1: first color # color2: second color def blink_pixel(blinks, speed, color1, color2): for _ in range(0, blinks): pixel.fill(color1) pixel.show() time.sleep(speed) pixel.fill(color2) pixel.show() time.sleep(speed) # function for haptic motor vibration # num_zzz: # of times vibrates # effect: type of vibration # delay: time between vibrations def vibe(num_zzz, effect, delay): drv.sequence[0] = adafruit_drv2605.Effect(effect) for _ in range(0, num_zzz): drv.play() # play the effect time.sleep(delay) # for 0.5 seconds drv.stop() # start BLE ble.start_advertising(advertisement) while True: blue_led.value = False print("Waiting for connection") # NeoPixel is red when not connected to BLE while not ble.connected: blue_led.value = False pixel.fill(color.RED) pixel.show() print("Connected") while ble.connected: blue_led.value = True # blue LED is on when connected all_ids.clear() for connection in ble.connections: if not connection.paired: # pairs to phone connection.pair() print("paired") # allows connection to CurrentTimeService cts = connection[CurrentTimeService] notification_service = connection[AppleNotificationCenterService] # grabs notifications from ANCS current_notifications = notification_service.active_notifications for notif_id in current_notifications: # adds notifications into array notification = current_notifications[notif_id] all_ids.append(notif_id) # all_ids.sort(key=lambda x: current_notifications[x]._raw_date) if current_notification and current_notification.removed: # Stop showing the latest and show that there are no new notifications. current_notification = None pixel.fill(color.BLACK) pixel.show() if not current_notification and not all_ids and not cleared: # updates cleared state for notification cleared = True # turns off NeoPixel when notifications are clear pixel.fill(color.BLACK) pixel.show() elif all_ids: cleared = False if current_notification and current_notification.id in all_ids: index = all_ids.index(current_notification.id) else: index = len(all_ids) - 1 notif_id = all_ids[index] # if there is a notification: if not current_notification or current_notification.id != notif_id: current_notification = current_notifications[notif_id] # if the notification is from an app that is not # defined in APP_COLORS then the NeoPixel will be white if current_notification.app_id not in APP_COLORS: notif_color = color.WHITE # if the notification is from an app defined in # APP_COLORS then the assigned color will show else: notif_color = APP_COLORS[current_notification.app_id] # parses notification info into a string category = str(notification).split(" ", 1)[0] # haptic motor vibrates vibe(2, vibration, 0.5) # all info for notification is printed to REPL print('-'*36) print("Msg #%d - Category %s" % (notification.id, category)) print("From app:", notification.app_id) if notification.title: print("Title:", notification.title) if notification.subtitle: print("Subtitle:", notification.subtitle) if notification.message: print("Message:", notification.message) # NeoPixel blinks and then stays on until cleared blink_pixel(2, 0.5, notif_color, color.BLACK) pixel.fill(notif_color) pixel.show() # if it's on the hour: if cts.current_time[4] == hour and not mindful: print(cts.current_time[4]) print("mindful time") # haptic motor vibrates vibe(5, vibration, 1) # NeoPixel blinks and then stays on blink_pixel(5, 1, color.BLUE, color.BLACK) mindful = True pixel.fill(color.BLUE) pixel.show() print("hour = ", hour) # if it's no longer on the hour: if cts.current_time[4] == (hour + 1) and mindful: # NeoPixel turns off mindful = False pixel.fill(color.BLACK) pixel.show() print("mindful time over") # if BLE becomes disconnected then blue LED turns off # and BLE begins advertising again to reconnect print("Disconnected") blue_led.value = False print() ble.start_advertising(advertisement) notification_service = None
Your Feather Sense CIRCUITPY drive should look like this after you load the libraries and code.py file:
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