Connect iOS devices to CircuitPython Bluetooth Devices
Use the iOS settings app and select Bluetooth from the list. Search for CIRCUITPY under My Devices. Tap to connect and proceed to pair and allow the device to display notifications.
Connect Device
You can optionally use the Adafruit Bluefruit Connect LE app to connect and pair with the CIRCUITPY device. Search and tap connect on the CIRCUITPYxxxx device.
Bluetooth Pairing
The iOS device will prompt a dialog box with option to pair or cancel. Tap on the Pair button.
Allow Notifications
The next prompt will ask if you'd like to allow the CIRCUITPY device to display notifications from the iOS device.
Connection Status!
The on-board NeoPixel will light up and stay RED until an iOS device is paired. Incoming notifications will trigger a buzz and blink the NeoPixel twice with a purple color. The NeoPixel will remain lit until the notification has been cleared on the iOS device. The CIRCUITPY device will automatically connect to the iOS device automatically.
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