Build a Giant MacroPad with Big Key Switches, CircuitPython and the KB2040!
Regular key switches are fairly small in size but these novelty ones are about 64 times as big!
This is powered by the KB2040 Kee Boar Driver running CircuitPython. It’s an Ardunio Pro micro-shaped board that’s perfect for keyboard projects.
It features the RP2040 with 8MB of flash, 20 GPIO and STEMMA QT. It’s also got an on-board NeoPixel and a USB-C type connector. Â
You can set this up with your favorite macros and make yourself a jumbo keypad that's super chunky and really fun to use.
3D Printed Chain-able case
We designed and 3D printed a case that allows you to daisy chain them together.
The KB2040 snap fits into the bottom cover and is held in place with little tabs.
Cables are routed through the holes on the side of the case so they can be connected together.
The bottom snap fits into the case with a cutout to access the board’s USB-C port.
The KB2040 is powered by a USB-C cable. It press fits into the bottom cover and is held in place with little tabs.
We used a 10mm LED to illuminate the Big Switch.
The Big Switch press fits into the printed case.Â
A lid attaches into the 3D printed case.

Page last edited May 13, 2024
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