For this tutorial you will need:
Pick these parts up at the Adafruit shop!
Power and WiFi
The BeagleBone has the neat ability to power itself just through the mini USB port. However, this can cause some problems because the USB port cannot supply enough power for BOTH the Bone and a WiFi adapter.
Driver Install
You'll need to have Internet connectivity using Ethernet , and also be logged into the terminal to install the WiFiadpater's driver, so make sure to complete those tutorials first!
While logged in with Internet working, run opkg update
Then run mkdir /home/root/tmp to make a new temp directory then run opkg -t /home/root/tmp upgrade
Finally type in opkg install linux-firmware-rtl8192cu and press return. Plug in the WiFi dongle, then type in reboot and return to reboot the machine.
Now that its rebooted, check dmesg - you should see the following
Restart connman to get it to accept the new settings:
root@beaglebone:~# systemctl restart connman.service
After less than 30 seconds or so, you should be connected:
root@beaglebone:~# ifconfig wlan0
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