Navigate your web browser to the following location:
and you should get a window that looks like this:
This is a much simpler layout than the JavaScript Blocks Editor. You basically write your Python code in the text editor, and then click Download when you're ready to download the code to the BBC micro:bit.
The web page even loads with a basic demo program already written. We won't go into details of programming in Python in this guide, but what this program does is scroll the message "Hello, World!" across the LEDs and then display a heart. It will repeat this every 2 seconds. Let's just go ahead and use this program as is.
There's no code for us to write, so just click the Download button.
You'll be prompted for a location to save the file. This is just like what happened when using the JavaScript Blocks Editor. Just pick a location you want to save it.
This step is also the same as the JavaScript Blocks Editor. Just drag and drop the hex file saved from the previous step on to the BBC micro:bit. Don't forget to plug it in to your computer using the USB cable.
And that's it! You should get the "Hello, World!" message scrolling across the LEDs followed by a cute heart symbol.
Text editor powered by tinymce.