Use a wire cutter to snip the LED strand from its battery pack. Where we're going, we won't need batteries.
Pull the two wires apart, separating about about an inch of length.
Use the 0.5mm gauge on your wire stripper to strip off some insulation from the tips of these wires.
Pro Tip: gently twist the insulation as you pull it off the wire. This will help keep all the wire strands together.
Screw these wires firmly into the terminal blocks on the CRICKIT.
Use the 5V and D1 terminal blocks.
Use something pointy to poke small holes through the front of the painting in the center of each star
Flip it over and widen the holes from the back. This will create an impression deep enough to push out LEDs into.
Now let's add lights! Use tape to hold each LED in place. Gently bend the wire to route each consecutive LED to the next closest hole.
Turn on power to your device, and voila! Behold your starry night.
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