Let’s get the flame code installed on the board before soldering anything. That way the electronics can all be tested before sealing everything inside the case.
If this is your first time using the Pro Trinket microcontroller, you’ll want to begin with our guide for setting that up. The Pro Trinket works a little differently from “normal” Arduinos are requires some extra installation and a different upload procedure:
Introducing Pro Trinket
To confirm that you have the driver installed and IDE properly configured, load the basic Arduino “blink” example sketch and try uploading to the board. If it won’t cooperate, work carefully through each of the steps in the guide linked above.
Then you can download the fire pendant sketch from Github - with the code below, select Download: Project Zip to get both FirePendant.ino and the animation file data.h.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Phillip Burgess/paintyourdragon for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Animated flame for Adafruit Pro Trinket. Uses the following parts: // - Pro Trinket microcontroller (adafruit.com/product/2010 or 2000) // (#2010 = 3V/12MHz for longest battery life, but 5V/16MHz works OK) // - Charlieplex LED Matrix Driver (2946) // - Charlieplex LED Matrix (2947, 2948, 2972, 2973 or 2974) // - 350 mAh LiPoly battery (2750) // - LiPoly backpack (2124) // - SPDT Slide Switch (805) // // This is NOT good "learn from" code for the IS31FL3731; it is "squeeze // every last byte from the Pro Trinket" code. If you're starting out, // download the Adafruit_IS31FL3731 and Adafruit_GFX libraries, which // provide functions for drawing pixels, lines, etc. This sketch also // uses some ATmega-specific tricks and will not run as-is on other chips. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <Wire.h> // For I2C communication #include "data.h" // Flame animation data #include <avr/power.h> // Peripheral control and #include <avr/sleep.h> // sleep to minimize current draw #define I2C_ADDR 0x74 // I2C address of Charlieplex matrix uint8_t page = 0; // Front/back buffer control const uint8_t *ptr = anim; // Current pointer into animation data uint8_t img[9 * 16]; // Buffer for rendering image // UTILITY FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------- // The full IS31FL3731 library is NOT used by this code. Instead, 'raw' // writes are made to the matrix driver. This is to maximize the space // available for animation data. Use the Adafruit_IS31FL3731 and // Adafruit_GFX libraries if you need to do actual graphics stuff. // Begin I2C transmission and write register address (data then follows) void writeRegister(uint8_t n) { Wire.beginTransmission(I2C_ADDR); Wire.write(n); // Transmission is left open for additional writes } // Select one of eight IS31FL3731 pages, or Function Registers void pageSelect(uint8_t n) { writeRegister(0xFD); // Command Register Wire.write(n); // Page number (or 0xB = Function Registers) Wire.endTransmission(); } // SETUP FUNCTION - RUNS ONCE AT STARTUP ----------------------------------- void setup() { uint8_t i, p, byteCounter; power_all_disable(); // Stop peripherals: ADC, timers, etc. to save power power_twi_enable(); // But switch I2C back on; need it for display DIDR0 = 0x0F; // Digital input disable on A0-A3 // The Arduino Wire library runs I2C at 100 KHz by default. // IS31FL3731 can run at 400 KHz. To ensure fast animation, // override the I2C speed settings after init... Wire.begin(); // Initialize I2C TWSR = 0; // I2C prescaler = 1 TWBR = (F_CPU / 400000 - 16) / 2; // 400 KHz I2C // The TWSR/TWBR lines are AVR-specific and won't work on other MCUs. pageSelect(0x0B); // Access the Function Registers writeRegister(0); // Starting from first... for(i=0; i<13; i++) Wire.write(10 == i); // Clear all except Shutdown Wire.endTransmission(); for(p=0; p<2; p++) { // For each page used (0 & 1)... pageSelect(p); // Access the Frame Registers writeRegister(0); // Start from 1st LED control reg for(i=0; i<18; i++) Wire.write(0xFF); // Enable all LEDs (18*8=144) for(byteCounter = i+1; i<0xB4; i++) { // For blink & PWM registers... Wire.write(0); // Clear all if(++byteCounter >= 32) { // Every 32 bytes... byteCounter = 1; // End I2C transmission and Wire.endTransmission(); // start a new one because writeRegister(i); // Wire buf is only 32 bytes. } } Wire.endTransmission(); } // Enable the watchdog timer, set to a ~32 ms interval (about 31 Hz) // This provides a sufficiently steady time reference for animation, // allows timer/counter peripherals to remain off (for power saving) // and can power-down the chip after processing each frame. set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // Deepest sleep mode (WDT wakes) noInterrupts(); MCUSR &= ~_BV(WDRF); WDTCSR = _BV(WDCE) | _BV(WDE); // WDT change enable WDTCSR = _BV(WDIE) | _BV(WDP0); // Interrupt enable, ~32 ms interrupts(); // Peripheral and sleep savings only amount to about 10 mA, but this // may provide nearly an extra hour of run time before battery depletes. } // LOOP FUNCTION - RUNS EVERY FRAME ---------------------------------------- void loop() { uint8_t a, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y; power_twi_enable(); // Datasheet recommends that I2C should be re-initialized after enable, // but Wire.begin() is slow. Seems to work OK without. // Display frame rendered on prior pass. This is done at function start // (rather than after rendering) to ensire more uniform animation timing. pageSelect(0x0B); // Function registers writeRegister(0x01); // Picture Display reg Wire.write(page); // Page # Wire.endTransmission(); page ^= 1; // Flip front/back buffer index // Then render NEXT frame. Start by getting bounding rect for new frame: a = pgm_read_byte(ptr++); // New frame X1/Y1 if(a >= 0x90) { // EOD marker? (valid X1 never exceeds 8) ptr = anim; // Reset animation data pointer to start a = pgm_read_byte(ptr++); // and take first value } x1 = a >> 4; // X1 = high 4 bits y1 = a & 0x0F; // Y1 = low 4 bits a = pgm_read_byte(ptr++); // New frame X2/Y2 x2 = a >> 4; // X2 = high 4 bits y2 = a & 0x0F; // Y2 = low 4 bits // Read rectangle of data from anim[] into portion of img[] buffer for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++) { // Column-major for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++) img[(x << 4) + y] = pgm_read_byte(ptr++); } // Write img[] to matrix (not actually displayed until next pass) pageSelect(page); // Select background buffer writeRegister(0x24); // First byte of PWM data uint8_t i = 0, byteCounter = 1; for(uint8_t x=0; x<9; x++) { for(uint8_t y=0; y<16; y++) { Wire.write(img[i++]); // Write each byte to matrix if(++byteCounter >= 32) { // Every 32 bytes... Wire.endTransmission(); // end transmission and writeRegister(0x24 + i); // start a new one (Wire lib limits) } } } Wire.endTransmission(); power_twi_disable(); // I2C off (see comment at top of function) sleep_enable(); interrupts(); sleep_mode(); // Power-down MCU. // Code will resume here on wake; loop() returns and is called again } ISR(WDT_vect) { } // Watchdog timer interrupt (does nothing, but required)
A few things to be aware of regarding this sketch:
- This is NOT good learning code for basic use of the LED matrix! Normally you’ll want to use the Adafruit_IS31FL3731 and Adafruit_GFX libraries (which provide drawing functions for pixels, lines, etc.).
- The sketch is very specifically optimized for the Pro Trinket and won’t likely work on other boards.
- It runs equally well on a 3V or 5V Pro Trinket…if you already have a 5V Pro Trinket around, that’s fine and you can use it…the 3V board is just a tiny bit more power-efficient and the battery will last a little longer. You may need to remove the part where we change I2C speed to 400 KHz but only do that if 400 KHz doesn't work on the Trinket 3.3V!
Open the FirePendant sketch in the Arduino IDE and upload it to the Pro Trinket board same way you did the “blink” sketch earlier…watch for the “Done Uploading” message. Nothing will happen, of course…we haven’t wired anything together yet…but having the code already in place makes troubleshooting easier later.
Page last edited January 22, 2025
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