Wiring for PMS5003
Use a piece of 4-wire silicone ribbon cable, 7cm (3in) in length. Solder the wires to the pins on the breakout adapter for the PMS5003.
Doubler FeatherWing + I2C (BME280 or BME680) Wiring
Use the photo and labels to reference the wiring. The BME280 and BME680 use exact same pins on the FeatherWing Doubler.
Doubler FeatherWing + PMS5003 Wiring
Use the photo and labels to reference wiring. The PMS5003 requires dedicated wiring to the Doubler FeatherWing.
The PMSA003i plugs directly into the STEMMA port on the BME680, essentially daisy chained I2C.
Feather Headers
Install the male 12pin and 16pin headers to the Feather M4 and Airlift FeatherWing. Solder the headers to the pins.
Install Feathers to Doubler
Line up the male header pins with the female header pins on the FeatherWing Doubler. Press firmly to fully seat the headers.
USB micro B Connector
Wire up the micro USB b connector to a piece of 4-wire ribbon cable, about 12cm (5in )in length. This is used as the power cable for the Feather. Use the USB extension cable to increase the length of the cable.
Do not wire the micro USB connector to the USB extension cable just yet. The USB cable must be installed into the cable gland in the case first before wiring.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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