The diagram below provides a visual reference for wiring of the components. This diagram was created using the software package Fritzing.
Adafruit Library for Fritzing
Use Adafruit's Fritzing parts library to create circuit diagrams for your projects. Download the library or just grab individual parts. Get the library and parts from GitHub - Adafruit Fritzing Parts.
Choose Your Sensors
This project can use two different sets of sensors. The first set uses the BME280 and the PMS5003. The second set uses the BME680 and the PMSA003i. The wiring is slightly different and noted below.
The code accommodates for both setups.
Make the following connections between the BME680 and the FeatherWing:
- Board 3V to sensor VIN
- Board GND to sensor GND
- Board SCL to sensor SCL
- Board SDA to sensor SDA
Then, make the following connections between the PMSA003i and the BME680:
- Sensor VIN to board 5V
- Sensor GND to board GND
- Sensor SCL to board SCL
- Sensor SDA to board SDA
Make the following connections between the BME280 and the FeatherWing:
- Board 3V to sensor VIN
- Board GND to sensor GND
- Board SCL to sensor SCK
- Board SDA to sensor SDI
Then, make the following connections between the PM2.5 adaptor and the FeatherWing:
- Sensor VCC to board 5V
- Sensor GND to board GND
Sensor TX to board RX
- Remember: RX does not connect to RX!
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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