Some boards like the Particle ARGON have an ESP32 wired directly in place, so you can only program it via CircuitPython.
Download the ESP32 for particle_argon firmware bundle above, unzip it, and place the esp32
folder in the root directory of your CIRCUITPY drive.
Note that unlike the ESP8266 firmware, this is a bundle of files. The ESP8266 firmware is 'combined' but we wouldn't be able to fit the combined ESP32 firmware on a 2MB flash disk so we kept the files separate.
Save the following as
on your board. Open the serial terminal, and connect to the REPL.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT import time import board import busio from digitalio import DigitalInOut, Direction # pylint: disable=unused-import import adafruit_miniesptool print("ESP32 mini prog") # With a Metro or Feather M4 # uart = busio.UART(TX, RX, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) # resetpin = DigitalInOut(board.D5) # gpio0pin = DigitalInOut(board.D6) # With a Particle Argon, we need to also turn off flow control uart = busio.UART(board.ESP_RX, board.ESP_TX, baudrate=115200, timeout=1) resetpin = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_WIFI_EN) gpio0pin = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_BOOT_MODE) esp_cts = DigitalInOut(board.ESP_CTS) esp_cts.direction = Direction.OUTPUT esp_cts.value = False esptool = adafruit_miniesptool.miniesptool( uart, gpio0pin, resetpin, flashsize=4 * 1024 * 1024 ) esptool.debug = False esptool.sync() print("Synced") print("Found:", esptool.chip_name) if esptool.chip_name != "ESP32": raise RuntimeError("This example is for ESP32 only") esptool.baudrate = 912600 print("MAC ADDR: ", [hex(i) for i in esptool.mac_addr]) # 0x10000 ota_data_initial.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/ota_data_initial.bin", 0x10000, "84d04c9d6cc8ef35bf825d51a5277699" ) # 0x1000 bootloader/bootloader.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/bootloader/bootloader.bin", 0x1000, "195dae16eda6ab703a45928182baa863" ) # 0x20000 at_customize.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/at_customize.bin", 0x20000, "9853055e077ba0c90cd70691b9d8c3d5" ) # 0x24000 customized_partitions/server_cert.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/customized_partitions/server_cert.bin", 0x24000, "766fa1e87aabb9ab78ff4023f6feb4d3", ) # 0x26000 customized_partitions/server_key.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/customized_partitions/server_key.bin", 0x26000, "05da7907776c3d5160f26bf870592459", ) # 0x28000 customized_partitions/server_ca.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/customized_partitions/server_ca.bin", 0x28000, "e0169f36f9cb09c6705343792d353c0a", ) # 0x2a000 customized_partitions/client_cert.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/customized_partitions/client_cert.bin", 0x2A000, "428ed3bae5d58b721b8254cbeb8004ff", ) # 0x2c000 customized_partitions/client_key.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/customized_partitions/client_key.bin", 0x2C000, "136f563811930a5d3bf04c946f430ced", ) # 0x2e000 customized_partitions/client_ca.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/customized_partitions/client_ca.bin", 0x2E000, "25ab638695819daae67bcd8a4bfc5626", ) # 0xf000 phy_init_data.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/phy_init_data.bin", 0xF000, "bc9854aa3687ca73e25d213d20113b23" ) # 0x100000 esp-at.bin esptool.flash_file("esp32/esp-at.bin", 0x100000, "ae256e4ab546354cd8dfa241e1056996") # 0x8000 partitions_at.bin esptool.flash_file( "esp32/partitions_at.bin", 0x8000, "d3d1508993d61aedf17280140fc22a6b" ) esptool.reset() time.sleep(0.5)
From the REPL, type the following then press enter:
import miniesptool_esp32argon
This'll start the uploading process, it'll take a few minutes.
ESP32 programming is similar but more advanced, and the files are bigger. We recommend adding md5 sums for each file, you can calculate these with command line tools on your computer. That way, each file is checksummed after writing to avoid mis-writes!
If you aren't using the exact same firmware we are, all the MD5's will need re-calculating! We don't calculate them in-chip since CircuitPython doesn't have built-in MD5 and we wanted to keep the code simple.
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