Now switch over to using the computer from which you wish to control the Pi.
If you are using a Mac or Linux PC then open a Terminal. On the Mac, you can find this in the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
Enter the following command into the Terminal window. That's a lowercase L after the dash!
ssh -l pi
You can also use ssh [email protected]
Note that you will need to replace the IP address above with that of your Pi. You can find this by running the command “sudo ifconfig” from the Terminal.
The option “-l pi' specifies that we want to log into the Pi as the user “pi”. The first time you run the command, you will get a security warning about not being able to verify the identity of the machine, say that you want to continue and enter your password (“raspberry” by default) when prompted.
You will notice that the command prompt will change to indicate that you are now connected to your Pi. Try using the “ls” command to show the contents of the current folder on the Pi.
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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