Download and install Putty from here:
From the list of downloads select the binary called just putty.exe from the section For Windows on Intel x86. This will prompt you to save the file. Save it onto the Desktop for now.
Install Drivers
Next, install the latest drivers for the cable chipset.
There's two possible chipsets. The older cables use Prolific brand, the newer cables (as of 2017) use SiLabs brand. If you're not sure which you have, just install both drivers! There's no risk and the cable will work no matter what
Prolific Chipset
For the "Prolific Chipset" cable, grab the drivers from here
This will save a zip file called (or similar). Unzip this onto the desktop and within the folder run the installer called PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.7.0.exe
If you're having issues, you can also try this older PL2303 driver (v1.0.13)
This will save a zip file called (or similar). Unzip this onto the desktop and within the folder run the installer called CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe
(or CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe if the x64.exe doesn't run)
Complete Installation
Click through the entire driver installation process to completion
You may need to reboot!
The driver is installed in such a way that when you later plug in the USB console lead, it will still launch the “Found New Hardware” wizard. If you allow the Wizard to search the Internet and install it should work.
When it has finished installing the driver, you should get this message:
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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