You can enable/disable the serial console with either editing /boot/config.txt or raspi-config (which will edit /boot/config.txt for you)
Option 1. Enabling in /boot/config.txt
You can pop your SD card into a computer and edit config.txt with a text editor like SimpleText, WordPad or whatnot. You can also edit on a pi with sudo nano /boot/config.txt
At the bottom, last line, add enable_uart=1
on it's own line.
Pi OS Bookworm and the Pi 5 have minor changes from earlier Pi OS software and hardware. You will edit the file:
sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
add these two lines to the end of the config.txt.
dtparam=uart0 dtparam=uart0_console
Option 2. Enabling via Raspi-Config
Using a monitor and keyboard, log into the shell and run
sudo raspi-config
go down to Interface Options
Hit enter and then go down to Serial Port
Select Yes
It should now be enabled
Hit return then select Finish
If it asks you to reboot, go to Yes and hit return
OK the serial console is now enabled!
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