(Nipper photo by Bevery & Pack - Creative Commons Share Alike)
Recording with the VS1053
The record_ogg example sketch turns your VS1053 breakout into a recording device that generates OGG encoded files on the SD card in real-time.Wiring
Wiring for the record_ogg sketch is as follows:Power and Ground:
VCC -> 5v
Basic SPI connections:
SCLK -> Arduino #13
MOSI -> Arduino #11
MISO -> Arduino #12
- CS -> Arduino #10
Additional Control Signals:
SDCS -> Arduino A0
- XDCS -> Arduino #8
RST -> Arduino #9
- DREQ -> Arduino A1
Start/Stop Button (Momentary):
- from Arduino #7 to GND
Electret Microphone Circuit:
The Microphone circuit is derived from the reference design shown in Figure 3 on Page 13 of the VS1053B Datasheet. Note that the ground connections shown are to analog ground (AGND).A note about microphone circuits:
Microphones, by their nature, are very sensitive devices. They are prone to picking up all sorts of noises (both electrical and acoustic) in addition to what you are trying to record. A microphone circuit built on a breadboard is not likely to sound good at all. For good sound, you will want to review the spec sheet recommendations and build this on a good quality circuit board.Recording Sketch:
Connect the Arduino to your computer with a USB cable and plug your headphones into the headphone jack. Select File->Examples->Adafruit_VS1053_Codec->record_ogg to load the example code.Plug-Ins
The record_ogg example sketch demonstrates a powerful feature of the VS1053 breakout: Plug-ins. OGG recording capability is not supported natively in the chip itself, but through a plug-in code module. A binary file containing the code image of the plug-in is loaded from the SD card at startup. Once loaded, the VS1053 becomes an OGG recording device.To Record:
Press the start/stop button to start the recording. Press once again to stop. Each recording will be stored in a separate .OGG file on the SD card.To Playback:
Use any OGG capable audio player on your computer - or playback through the VS1053 using the Simple Audio Player configuration (see link at left).Text editor powered by tinymce.