How easy is it to get your Raspberry Pi eavesdropping on satellites 20,000 km up in the sky? Wonderfully easy thanks to Linux, and affordable thanks to Adafruit's Ultimate GPS Breakout!
This quick learning guide will show you everything you need to do to add position tracking to your Pi project using the open source GPS daemon 'gpsd' and an inexpensive USB to TTL adapter cable or via direct-wiring to the built-in Pi UART pins
Please note this guide installs a system service called gpsd which you can then query for data. You may be better off just using pure python to read data from the GPS, its less complex in many cases
If you don't need gpsd, click below to follow the pure-python GPS tutorial
What you'll need:
- A Raspberry Pi
- An Ultimate GPS Breakout
- A USB to TTL Adapter Cable (or something compatible)
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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