The TMP007 is a very straight-forward sensor, lets go thru all
the pins so you can understand what you need to connect to get started
Power Pins
VCC - This is the positive power and logic level pin. It can be
2.2-5.5VDC, so fine for use with 3 or 5V logic. Power VCC with whatever
logic level you plan to use on the i2c lines.
- GND - this is the ground power and logic reference pin.
I2C Data Pins
- SCL - this is the I2C clock pin. There's a 10K pull-up already on the board, so connect this directly to the i2c master clock pin on your microcontroller
- SDA - this is the I2C data pin. There's a 10K pull-up already on the board, so connect this directly to the i2c master data pin on your microcontroller
Optional Pins
These are pins you don't need to connect to unless you want to!-
Alert - This is the interrupt/alert pin from the TMP007. The
chip has some capability to 'alert' you if the chip temperature goes
above or below a set amount. This output can trigger to let you know. We don't have library support for this pin, so check the datasheet for more information.
- AD0 AD1 - These are the address select pins. Since you can only have one device with a given address on an i2c bus, there must be a way to adjust the address if you want to put more than one TMP on a shared i2c bus. The AD0/AD1 pins set the bottom three pins of the i2c address. There are 10K pull-down resistors on the board.
Page last edited August 05, 2014
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