- VDD - This is the logic voltage input. To power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of your microcontroller - e.g. for a 5V micro like Arduino, use 5V. It can be powered between from 3.3V to 5V.
- + (terminal block) - This is the motor voltage input. Supply 5V to 29VDC for your motor.
- GND / - (terminal block) - common ground for power and logic.
Current Potentiometer
On the right side of the board is the current potentiometer. This potentiometer limits the current output to the motor. When the potentiometer is all the way to the right, you can get up to 2A max. Note that the higher currents will heat up both the motor driver and stepper, so you may need to add heatsinking to the chip.
Terminal Block Bipolar Stepper Motor Connections
- 1A and 1B - The first set of motor control outputs connected to DMOS bridge 1.
- 2A and 2B - The second set of motor control outputs connected to DMOS bridge 2.
Stepper Control Pins
- DIR - This is the direction control pin. You can set this pin high or low to set the spin orientation. Pulling it high turns the motor clockwise. Pulling it low turns it counterclockwise.
- STEP - This is the microstep control pin. Toggle this pin to take one step or microstep at a time. By default, the driver is set to 1/8 microstep mode.
Microstep Selection Pins
There are two pins (MS1, and MS2) that can be pulled high to change the default 1/8 microstep mode where both pins are open/low. The table below shows the pin combinations to change to the different modes. For example, if you wanted to use 1/16 microstep mode, you would tie both MS1 and MS2 high.
TMC2209 Control Pins
- DIAG - This is the diagnostic pin. It's driven high if there is a problem causing the motor driver to not be able to work properly.
- INDEX - This is the index pin. It's driven high when the microstep counter is in it's zero position. This can be helpful for precise homing. It signals every 4 full steps, so in the default 1/8 microstep mode, this pin will go high once every 32 microsteps.
- UART - This is the UART interface control pin. It is a single-pin serial port with auto-baud detection that allows more precise communication, diagnostics and control. This requires a microcontroller library and is not needed for basic driver control.
- EN - This is the enable pin. Pull this pin high to disable the output to the motors.
- Green LED - The green LED is tied to the DIR pin. It is labeled F on the board silk. It is lit when the motor is being driven counterclockwise when the DIR pin is low.
- Red LED - The red LED is tied to the DIR pin. It is labeled B on the board silk. It is lit when the motor is being driven clockwise when the DIR pin is high.
- Yellow LED - The yellow LED is tied to the STEP pin. It is labeled S on the board silk. It is lit when the motor driver is being moved.
On the front of the board there is a jumper labeled SPRD for the SPREAD pin on the controller. This pin selects between the two available chopper modes for the motor driver.
By default, with the jumper open the SPRD pin is unconnected. This selects the StealthChop mode, which is optimized for the least amount of noise and vibration.
If you solder the jumper closed the SPRD pin is tied to VDD. This selects the SpreadCycle mode, which is optimized for highest dynamic movements.
Page last edited January 14, 2025
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