Power Pins
- VIN - this is the power pin. To power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of your microcontroller - e.g. for a 5V microcontroller like Arduino, use 5V.
- GND - common ground for power and logic.
Signal Output
- SIG - this is the output signal from the TCRT1000. When no IR light is detected by the TCRT1000, the output signal pin is high. When IR light is bounced back, the voltage will drop down towards 0V.
STEMMA JST PH - 2mm pitch STEMMA JST port for use with 3-pin STEMMA JST PH cables. It has connections for:
- GND - common ground for power and data. It is the black wire on the JST PH cable.
- VIN/V+ - power input for the TCRT1000. It is the red wire on the JST PH cable.
- SIG/In - signal to your microcontroller. It is the white wire on the JST PH cable.
In the center of the board is a small potentiometer. It allows adjustment of how bright the IR emitter is. When it is turned all the way down it has a current of about 10mA, decreasing the sensitivity. When it is turned all the way up it has a current of about 100mA, increasing the sensitivity.
Signal LED and Jumper
- Signal LED - to the left of the JST PH connector is the signal LED, labeled Sig. It is the red LED. It will light up when an object is detected by the TCRT1000.
- LED jumper - in the lower center portion on the back of the board is a jumper for the signal LED. It is labeled Sig on the board silk. If you want to disable the signal LED, cut the trace on this jumper.
Power LED and Jumper
- Power LED - to the right of the JST PH connector is the power LED, labeled ON. It is the green LED.
- LED jumper - in the top center portion on the back of the board is a jumper for the power LED. It is labeled On on the board silk. If you want to disable the power LED, cut the trace on this jumper.
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