Radio Module Pins
There's a radio module on each bonnet, which we connect to the Raspberry Pi SPI port plus some extra pins for controlling.
We connect the radio module to a set of default pins that match our code and examples, you can cut the solder traces on the bottom and re-wire them but the code/examples will need to be updated as well.
Each radio has the same pin names and connections. Its easiest to see the pin numbering on the bottom.
The two sets of pins here are broken out from the radio module. The defaults are:
- RST - Radio reset pin, connected to GPIO25 on the Pi. It's pulled high by default which is reset. Pull LOW to turn on the radio.
- CS - Radio SPI Chip Select pin, connected to SPI CE1 on the Pi
- CLK - Radio SPI Clock pin, connected to SPI SCLK on the Pi
- DI - Radio SPI data in pin, connected to SPI MOSI on the Pi
- DO - Radio SPI data out pin, connected to SPI MISO on the Pi
- DIO0 - Radio digital IO #0 pin, we use this for status or IRQs. It's required for all our examples. Connected to GPIO 22 on the Pi
- DIO1 - Radio digital IO #1 pin, we use this for status. This is not used for our basic CircuitPython code, but is used by some more advanced libraries. You can cut this trace if you want to use the Pi pin for other devices. Connected to GPIO 23 on the Pi
- DIO2 - Radio digital IO #2 pin, we use this for status. This is not used for our basic CircuitPython code, but is used by some more advanced libraries. You can cut this trace if you want to use the Pi pin for other devices. Connected to GPIO 24 on the Pi
- DIO3 - Radio digital IO #3, not connected or used at this time.
- DIO4 - Radio digital IO #3, not connected or used at this time.
This bonnet comes with a 128x32 pixel OLED! The OLED is connected via I2C.
- SCL is connected to SCL on the Pi.
- SDA is connected to SDA on the Pi.
This bonnet comes with 3 buttons below the OLED. In order from left to right:
- Button 1: Connected to GPIO 5 on the Pi
- Button 2: Connected to GPIO 6 on the Pi
- Button 3: Connected to GPIO 12 on the PI
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