Capacitive Touch Pins
There are four capacitive touch pads on the PyRuler!
- Capacitive Touch 0 - This is the the Ω capacitive touch pad. It is addressable at pin CAP0.
- Capacitive Touch 1 - This is the the µ capacitive touch pad. It is addressable at pin CAP1.
- Capacitive Touch 2 - This is the the π capacitive touch pad. It is addressable at pin CAP2.
- Capacitive Touch 3 - This is the the Digi-Key Electronics capacitive touch pad. It is addressable at pin CAP3.
There are 5 LEDs on the PyRuler.
- LED 4 - This red LED is located above the Ω capacitive touch pad. It can be addressed at pin LED4.
- LED 5 - This yellow LED is located above the µ capacitive touch pad. It can be addressed at pin LED5.
- LED 6 -This green LED is located above the π capacitive touch pad. It can be addressed at pin LED6.
- LED 7 - This blue LED is located above the Digi-Key Electronics capacitive touch pad. It can be addressed at pin LED7.
- D13 / red status LED - Located next to the USB connector on the left end of the PyRuler. The red status LED can be addressed using pin D13.
- RGB DotStar status LED - Located under the Adafruit symbol inside the white outline on the left end of the PyRuler. Addressable at APA102_MOSI as the data pin and APA102_SCK as the clock pin.
Power Pins
About half of the pins on the Trinket M0 are related to power in and out: 3V, USB, BAT and GND
- BAT - This is a voltage INPUT pin, you can use it to connect a battery or other external power to the Trinket. It has a Schottkey protection diode so it is completely separate from the USB power input/output. You can put 3V-6V into this pin and it will be regulated down by the 3V regulator
- USB - This is a voltage OUTPUT or INPUT pin - it is connected directly to the micro USB port +5V pin, so if you are powering over usb, this pin will give you 5V out at 500mA+. Or if you are using the Trinket as a USB host or you have a good reason, you can put 5V into this pin and it will back-power the USB port.
- 3V - This is the 3.3V OUTPUT pad from the voltage regulator. It can provide up to 500mA at a steady 3.3V. Good for sensors or small LEDs or other 3V devices.
- GND is the common ground pin, used for logic and power. It is connected to the USB ground and the power regulator, etc. This is the pin you'll want to use for any and all ground connections
Input/Output Pins
Next we will cover the 5 GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) pins! For reference, you may want to also check out the datasheet-reference in the downloads section for the core ATSAMD21E18 pins. We picked pins that have a lot of capabilities.
Common to all pads
All the GPIO pads can be used as digital inputs, digital outputs, for LEDs, buttons and switches. All pads can also be used as hardware interrupts inputs.
Each pad can provide up to ~7mA of current. Don't connect a motor or other high-power component directly to the pins! Instead, use a transistor to power the DC motor on/off
On a Trinket M0, the GPIO are 3.3V output level, and should not be used with 5V inputs. In general, most 5V devices are OK with 3.3V output though.
The five pins are completely 'free' pins, they are not used by the USB connection, LEDs, DotStar, etc so you never have to worry about the USB interface interfering with them when programming
Unique pad capabilities
- Digital #0 / A2 - this is connected to PA08 on the ATSAMD21. This pin can be used as a digital I/O with selectable pullup or pulldown, analog input (use 'A2'), PWM output, and is also used for I2C data (SDA)
- Digital #1 / A0 - this is connected to PA02 on the ATSAMD21. This pin can be used as a digital I/O with selectable pullup or pulldown, capacitive touch, analog input (use 'A0'), and true analog (10-bit DAC) output. It cannot be used as PWM output.
- Digital #2 / A1 - this is connected to PA09 on the ATSAMD21. This pin can be used as a digital I/O with selectable pullup or pulldown, analog input (use 'A1'), PWM output, and is also used for I2C clock (SCL), and hardware SPI MISO
- Digital #3 / A3 - this is connected to PA07 on the ATSAMD21. This pin can be used as a digital I/O with selectable pullup or pulldown, analog input (use 'A3'), capacitive touch, PWM output, and is also used for UART RX (Serial1 in Arduino), and hardware SPI SCK
- Digital #4 / A4 - this is connected to PA06 on the ATSAMD21. This pin can be used as a digital I/O with selectable pullup or pulldown, analog input (use 'A4'), capacitive touch, PWM output, and is also used for UART TX (Serial1 in Arduino), and hardware SPI MOSI
Other Pads!
- Digital #7 - You can't see this pin but it is connected to the internal RGB DotStar data in pin
- Digital #8 - You can't see this pin but it is connected to the internal RGB DotStar clock in pin
- Digital #13 - You can't see this pin but it is connected to the little red status LED
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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