Mu is a simple code editor that works with the Adafruit CircuitPython boards. It's written in Python and works on Windows, MacOS, Linux and Raspberry Pi. The serial console is built right in so you get immediate feedback from your board's serial output!
Download Mu from
Click the Download link for downloads and installation instructions.
Click Start Here to find a wealth of other information, including extensive tutorials and and how-to's.
The first time you start Mu, you will be prompted to select your 'mode' - you can always change your mind later. For now please select CircuitPython!
The current mode is displayed in the lower right corner of the window, next to the "gear" icon. If the mode says "Microbit" or something else, click the Mode button in the upper left, and then choose "CircuitPython" in the dialog box that appears.
Mu attempts to auto-detect your board on startup, so if you do not have a CircuitPython board plugged in with a CIRCUITPY drive available, Mu will inform you where it will store any code you save until you plug in a board.
To avoid this warning, plug in a board and ensure that the CIRCUITPY drive is mounted before starting Mu.
Using Mu
You can now explore Mu! The three main sections of the window are labeled below; the button bar, the text editor, and the serial console / REPL.
Now you're ready to code! Let's keep going...
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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