Once you've got the IDE installed and libraries in place you can run our test sketch. This will check all the hardware, and display it on the screen, its sort of a universal test because every part is checked. It's also a great reference if you want to know how to read the light sensor or initialize the touch screen.
It's normal to get SD Card...Failed
if there is no SD card in the socket.
The light sensor value ranges from 0 (dark) to 1023 (bright)
The temperature sensor will heat up if the backlight is on for a while, that's also normal! To avoid self-heating turn or or lower down the backlight brightness
and D4
measure the analog voltages on the 3 pin JST connectors. They'll be floating until some voltage is applied to them.
You can download the ready-to-go UF2 file and drag it onto the bootloader drive. To enter the bootloader, double click the reset button.
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Limor Fried for Adafruit Industries // // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT // This program does a test of all the PyPortal Titano hardware // so you can get an example of how to read // sensors, touchscreen, and display stuff! #include "SPI.h" #include "Adafruit_GFX.h" #include "Adafruit_HX8357.h" #include <Adafruit_SPIFlash.h> #include "TouchScreen.h" #include <SdFat.h> #include <WiFiNINA.h> #include "click.h" #define RED_LED 13 #define TFT_RESET 24 #define TFT_BACKLIGHT 25 #define LIGHT_SENSOR A2 #define SD_CS 32 #define SPKR_SHUTDOWN 50 #define TFT_D0 34 // Data bit 0 pin (MUST be on PORT byte boundary) #define TFT_WR 26 // Write-strobe pin (CCL-inverted timer output) #define TFT_DC 10 // Data/command pin #define TFT_CS 11 // Chip-select pin #define TFT_RST 24 // Reset pin #define TFT_RD 9 // Read-strobe pin #define TFT_BACKLIGHT 25 // PyPortal Titano Adafruit_HX8357 tft = Adafruit_HX8357(tft8bitbus, TFT_D0, TFT_WR, TFT_DC, TFT_CS, TFT_RST, TFT_RD); Adafruit_FlashTransport_QSPI flashTransport(PIN_QSPI_SCK, PIN_QSPI_CS, PIN_QSPI_IO0, PIN_QSPI_IO1, PIN_QSPI_IO2, PIN_QSPI_IO3); Adafruit_SPIFlash flash(&flashTransport); #define YP A4 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation! #define XM A7 // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation! #define YM A6 // can be a digital pin #define XP A5 // can be a digital pin TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300); #define X_MIN 760 #define X_MAX 320 #define Y_MIN 875 #define Y_MAX 193 Adafruit_GFX_Button soundBtn = Adafruit_GFX_Button(); SdFat SD; char text[25]=" "; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //while (!Serial); Serial.println("All Test!"); pinMode(RED_LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(TFT_BACKLIGHT, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(TFT_BACKLIGHT, HIGH); pinMode(TFT_RESET, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(TFT_RESET, HIGH); delay(10); digitalWrite(TFT_RESET, LOW); delay(10); digitalWrite(TFT_RESET, HIGH); delay(10); tft.begin(); tft.fillScreen(HX8357_BLACK); tft.setTextSize(2); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_GREEN); tft.setTextWrap(true); tft.setCursor(0, 0); tft.print("QSPI Flash..."); if (!flash.begin()){ Serial.println("Could not find flash on QSPI bus!"); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_RED); tft.println("FAILED"); while (1); } Serial.println("Reading QSPI ID"); Serial.print("JEDEC ID: 0x"); Serial.println(flash.getJEDECID(), HEX); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_GREEN); tft.print("QSPI Flash JEDEC 0x"); tft.println(flash.getJEDECID(), HEX); /*************** SD CARD */ tft.setCursor(0, 48); tft.print("SD Card..."); if (!SD.begin(SD_CS)) { Serial.println("Card init. failed!"); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_RED); tft.println("FAILED"); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_GREEN); } else { tft.println("OK!"); } /*************** WiFi Module */ tft.setCursor(0, 64); tft.print("WiFi Module..."); WiFi.status(); delay(100); if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_MODULE) { Serial.println("ESP32 SPI not found"); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_RED); tft.println("FAILED"); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_GREEN); } else { Serial.println("ESP32 SPI mode found"); tft.println("OK!"); } soundBtn.initButton(&tft, 150, 280, 150, 50, HX8357_WHITE, HX8357_YELLOW, HX8357_BLACK, "Sound", 2); soundBtn.drawButton(); analogWriteResolution(12); analogWrite(A0, 128); pinMode(SPKR_SHUTDOWN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SPKR_SHUTDOWN, LOW); } void loop() { digitalWrite(RED_LED, HIGH); tft.setTextColor(HX8357_WHITE); // read light sensor tft.fillRect(160, 100, 240, 16, HX8357_BLACK); tft.setCursor(0, 100); uint16_t light = analogRead(LIGHT_SENSOR); Serial.print("light sensor: "); Serial.println(light); tft.print("Light sensor: "); tft.println(light); // externals tft.fillRect(40, 130, 60, 34, HX8357_BLUE); tft.setCursor(0, 132); float d3 = (float)analogRead(A1) * 3.3 / 1024; float d4 = (float)analogRead(A3) * 3.3 / 1024; Serial.print("STEMMA: "); Serial.print(d3,1); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(d4,1); Serial.println(); tft.print("D3: "); tft.println(d3,1); tft.print("D4: "); tft.println(d4,1); tft.fillRect(80, 164, 240, 16, HX8357_BLACK); tft.setCursor(0, 164); tft.print("Touch: "); TSPoint p = ts.getPoint(); // we have some minimum pressure we consider 'valid' // pressure of 0 means no pressing! if (p.z > (ts.pressureThreshhold +200)) { Serial.print("X = "); Serial.print(p.x); Serial.print("\tY = "); Serial.print(p.y); Serial.print("\tPressure = "); Serial.println(p.z); // map touchscreen coordinates to screen coordinates int16_t x = map(p.x, X_MIN, X_MAX, 320, 0); // inverted X compared to screen int16_t y = map(p.y, Y_MIN, Y_MAX, 0, 480); // raw position //int16_t tx = p.x; //int16_t ty = p.y; //tft.print("("); tft.print(tx); tft.print(", "); tft.print(ty); tft.println(")"); tft.fillRect(10, 180, 240, 16, HX8357_BLACK); tft.print("X:"); tft.print(itoa(x,text,10)); tft.print(" Y:"); tft.print(itoa(y,text,10)); tft.print(" Z:"); tft.print(itoa(p.z,text,10)); //tft.println(")"); if (soundBtn.contains(x, y)) { Serial.println("Ding!"); soundBtn.press(true); } else { soundBtn.press(false); } } else { soundBtn.press(false); } if (soundBtn.justPressed()) { soundBtn.drawButton(true); digitalWrite(SPKR_SHUTDOWN, HIGH); uint32_t i, prior, usec = 1000000L / SAMPLE_RATE; prior = micros(); for (uint32_t i=0; i<sizeof(clickaudio); i++) { uint32_t t; while((t = micros()) - prior < usec); analogWrite(A0, (uint16_t)clickaudio[i]); prior = t; } digitalWrite(SPKR_SHUTDOWN, LOW); } if (soundBtn.justReleased()) { soundBtn.drawButton(false); } digitalWrite(RED_LED, LOW); delay(20); }
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