The Proximity Trinkey is a tiny board with a few fancy features. This page takes you on a tiny tour!
The PDF of this pinout image is available here.
On one end of the Proximity Trinkey is the USB connector. Simply plug it into any USB A port on your laptop or computer, NeoPixel-and-sensor-side-up, to get started!
The APDS9960 proximity sensor is located towards the opposite end of the board from the USB connector, between the two NeoPixel LEDs. To interface with this sensor, you'll use I2C.
Connect to it in CircuitPython using board.SCL
for clock and board.SDA
for data.
Connect to it in Arduino using 5
for clock and 4
for data.
The APDS9960 sensor can do more than proximity sensing! It's capable of the following:
- Proximity sensing up to about 6" away by bouncing IR light off an object
- RGB color sensing can detect color when light reflects off of an object - good for bright colorful items like LEGO bricks
- Ambient light sensing - how dark or bright is it in the room?
- Basic gesture sensing using 4 cardinal locations of photodiodes - this sensor is a little tough to use but it does work with practice
- Configurable interrupt pin that can fire when a certain proximity threshold is broken, or when a color sensor breaks a certain threshold.
Towards the end of the board opposite the USB connector are two RGB NeoPixel LEDs. These LEDs are controllable in CircuitPython using board.NeoPixel
and Arduino using PIN_NEOPIXEL
or 3
. Set the number of pixels to 2 and you're ready to go!
On the end of the board, opposite the USB connector, are two capacitive touch pads, labeled 1 and 2.
To use with CircuitPython, address touch pad 1 as board.TOUCH1
and touch pad 2 as board.TOUCH2
To use with Arduino, address touch pad 1 as 1
and touch pad 2 as 2
Towards the center of the board, between the microcontroller and the proximity sensor/NeoPixel LED, is the reset button.
Tap once to reset the board. Tap twice to enter the bootloader (needed for installing CircuitPython).
Page last edited March 08, 2024
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