What's Style?
Just like your style with clothes, etc., writing also has style. This page has suggested styles for user pages and user guides on the Adafruit Learning System. Why have style? With over 2,000 guides, the style of Adafruit guides is pretty consistent. It would benefit readers of user guides followed similar conventions.
Pictures / Images / Video
Preferably pictures should be in landscape and be in a 4:3 ratio to best display on a range of devices. This applies to the Media element and the Embed element for video. Other aspect ratios may be ok, but long portrait oriented pictures should be avoided. Use a photo editor to crop images or otherwise get them looking their best. See the picture below as an example:
Short videos without sound might best be done with animated GIF files.
Longer animated content is best put on YouTube and linked in via Embed.
Note embedded video shows as a grey box in edit mode. In preview/viewing it'll look like the image below until the user clicks the SHOW EMBEDDED CONTENT link.
Code in text blocks should be highlighted with the text block code font
selected from the toolbar with the {;} symbol.
Several lines of code or blocks can use the Code Element.
void loop{ input(a); println(a); }
Code from GitHub can be pulled in using the Embed Element specifying the file address on GitHub.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Kattni Rembor for Adafruit Industries # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT """CircuitPython Essentials Analog In example""" import time import board from analogio import AnalogIn analog_in = AnalogIn(board.A1) def get_voltage(pin): return (pin.value * 3.3) / 65536 while True: print((get_voltage(analog_in),)) time.sleep(0.1)
Note the SPDX information. It's good to put that in. You can read more in the Guide Here.
Text Formatting
Text should be organized in paragraphs sprinkled with appropriate pictures, diagrams, etc. to help the reader understand the process you went through.
All filenames and directory names should be in bold. Code inline in a paragraph should be in code font
(toolbar {;}).
HTML links should be used as appropriate with the link button in a text element (∞). This is a link.
Text editor powered by tinymce.