The Embed Element is how you add YouTube and Vimeo videos, and Github Gists to your guide.
Embedding videos or Gists couldn't be easier. All you need to do is get the URL of the page that the video is on and paste it into the Embed Element text box.
Dump the entire URL into the text box like shown and click SAVE.
While you are in the editor, you will see the embed URL, but your readers will see the full video. This is what you will see in the editor:
This is what your readers will see in the front end:
You can always click the preview link in the right sidebar to view what your readers will see, even if you haven't published your guide.
Embedding MakeCode Blocks
Just like in the last step, embedding MakeCode blocks into your guide is just as easy. In MakeCode, click on the share project button and you will see a popup like this:
Just like as before, copy that link and then in your guide choose the EMBED element. Just paste in the URL from MakeCode above, and click save. Your MakeCode block should now be in your guide.
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