This code is discontinued - Check out our newer tutorial at -
Now that we understand how we are going to use our display let's connect it up to our Pi! You might find this bit easier to understand if you watch my video tutorial here:
Skip to 1:57 in order to see the wiring up parts!
Skip to 1:57 in order to see the wiring up parts!
Also it is worth noting that I am going to refer to the Pi's GPIO pins using their physical names. So try not to get confused. This is the numbering system I will be using:
There is also a circuit diagram at the bottom of the page!
1) First off insert your OLED display into your breadboard like this:
1) First off insert your OLED display into your breadboard like this:
2) Now grab one of your male to female jumper wires and attach the male end to ground on your OLED display. Then attach the female end to pin 6 on the Pi. Pin 6 is also ground!
3) Using another male to female jumper wire attach the pin on your OLED labelled 'Vin' to pin 1 on your Pi. This is our power line...
4) Now we are going to skip over the pin on our OLED display that is labelled '3v3' - we won't be needing it today... So using a male to female jumper wire connect the pin on your OLED labelled 'CS' to pin 24 on your Pi.
5) Now grab another male to female jumper wire and attach the pin labelled 'Rst' on your OLED display (the reset pin) to pin 8 of your Pi.
6) Now attach the pin labelled DC on your OLED display to pin 10 on your Pi...
7) Now grab your second-to-last male to female jumper wire and attach it to the 'Clk' pin on your OLED display. Then attach the other end to pin 23 on your Pi.
8) Finally grab your last jumper wire and attach the male end to the last remaining pin of your OLED display: the data pin... Then attach the other end to pin 19 on the Pi.
And that is it! That might seem a little complicated but if you just go through it logically and check your wiring then you shouldn't have too much trouble.
Some of you might find it easier to understand a circuit diagram so I have provided one here:
Some of you might find it easier to understand a circuit diagram so I have provided one here:
And a little closer up...
Now let's move on to setting up our Pi so we can communicate with our OLED display...
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